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Aide/Climate change

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/Climate change
Message de perfect posté le 13-02-2020 à 19:59:44 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire un petit résumé sur une partie d'une vidéo concernant le changement climatique et ses conséquences...(pour ceux qui sont intéressés : Lien internet

Alors, voici :
In the beginning of the video, it is mention that the climate change has a tremendous impact on the world. The scientists are expecting more droughts, more famines, more flooding, more powerful tropical cyclones and the seas rising. This a "familiar litany" as it is called in the video. Then, a chart tackles global carbon emissions under different scenarios. First, it shows the evolution of our no action path, it would take us to a more than four degree rise by 2100/ this means more than four degree rise by 2100 (quand "/" se présente, je vous demande de me dire quel est la meilleure proposition, merci ). But with current policies, it should restrain carbon growth about a three degree rise, with some good making on their promises, it should be a touch lower. The scientists are hopping to have about a two degree rise. Though, they say we should aim for under one and a half degree. To get there, we have to reduce our net carbon emissions to zero by 2500, that lead huge changes to the way that we live.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

Réponse : Aide/Climate change de gerondif, postée le 15-02-2020 à 00:47:55 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
In the beginning of the video, it is mention that the climate change has a tremendous impact on the world. The scientists are expecting more droughts, more famines, more flooding, more powerful tropical cyclones and the seas rising. This a "familiar litany" as it is called in the video. Then, a chart tackles global carbon emissions under different scenarios. First, it shows the evolution of our no action path, it would take us to a more than four degree rise by 2100/ this means more than four degree rise by 2100. But with current policies, it should restrain carbon growth about a three degree rise, with some good making on their promises, it should be a touch lower. The scientists are hopping to have about a two degree rise. Though, they say we should aim for under one and a half degree. To get there, we have to reduce our net carbon emissions to zero by 2500(2050), that lead(verbe et le s du présent. je mettrais lead to au futur, ou le verbe entail, impliquer, entrainer) huge changes to the way (that) we live.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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