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Use / that

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Use / that
Message from san99 posted on 25-06-2012 at 03:08:47 (D | E | F)

I am here again with some new sentences wherein 'that' is used as a subordinate. Please check these sentences and let me know if there are more of these kinds. I would really appreciate if you could help me expand my knowledge on the use of 'that'.
Thank you very much for helping me.

He is driving fast very fast so that we can reach there as soon as possible.
You need to write between the lines so that I can understand your handwriting.
She is pouring more vinegar to the soup so that it can taste sweet and sour.
I am writing everything I can so that you can check if it correct or not.
I have drunk five glasses of water of today so that I may feel healthy and fresh when I work at office.

He is strong enough that he can pull a nine-ton truck with his hands.
He is clever enough that he can read your face and tell you clearly what you are up to.
She is sweet enough that everyone loves her and wants to be with her.
Lora is atrocious enough that she can kill the innocent birds, sparrows, and insects.

He is calling my name too loud that anyone can hear it.
He is selling apples at a high price that nobody can buy them.
She is too mean that I will never trust her.

Edited by san99 on 25-06-2012 03:09

Edited by lucile83 on 25-06-2012 07:11

Re: Use / that from a_limon, posted on 25-06-2012 at 17:57:54 (D | E)
I think in these cases,we have subordinate clauses that are compliments.
I would use "so" instead of "too". He is calling my name soloud that anyone can hear it.(How loud is she calling my name?-the complement of the "loud")
He is selling apples at sohigh a price that no one can buy them.(how expensive?-the complement of a price)
She is so mean that I will never trust her.(how mean is she?-the complement of "mean")
If it were "too" then I would write these so
He is calling my name too loud that someone can't hear it.
He is selling apples at too high a price that anyone can buy them.
She is too mean that I would ever trust her.

In these cases we have deal with the subordinate clauses of the reason,answering the questions "what for?","with what purpose?"
He is driving fast very fast so that we can reach there as soon as possible.
You need to write between the lines so that I can understand your handwriting.
She is pouring more vinegar to the soup so that it can taste sweet and sour.
I am writing everything I can so that you can check if it correct or not.
I have drunk five glasses of water of today so that I may feel healthy and fresh when I work at office.

Also,"that" is used in relative clauses.Link

Re: Use / that from san99, posted on 25-06-2012 at 19:09:16 (D | E)
You highlighted the entire portion of the text, are there any mistakes?

Re: Use / that from a_limon, posted on 25-06-2012 at 23:41:01 (D | E)
I would use "get" instead of the "reach". Put the comma here,or don't use "fast" twice.
He is driving fast,very fast so that we can get there as soon as possible.
I would use "could" or "might" instead of "can" here.
She is pouring more vinegar to the soup so that it could taste sweet and sour.
I would write your sentences like that:
He is strong enough to pull a nine-ton truck with his hands.
He is clever enough to read your face and tell you clearly what you are up to.
She is sweet enough so that everyone would love her and want to be with her.
Lora is atrocious enough so that she could kill the innocent birds, sparrows, and insects.

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