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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de la_nulle posté le 11-06-2013 à 16:17:45 (S | E | F)
Salut! Bonjour,

J'ai besoin d'un peu d'aide. J'ai écrit une présentation en anglais et je voudrais savoir s'il y a encore beaucoup de fautes.
Un grand merci à toute personne qui fera une correction de ce texte!
Hi guys! We thought very long about what subject we should use for our presentation. We had no idea, the best one was to make it about tigers. But it was so boring, nearly as boring as our last presentation. "So what should we choose, then?" It was a difficult question. Something that wouldn't let everyone fall asleep.

And then, -what a coincidence!- we've found a website with laws from all over the world. We've read a bit, and then, a new idea for our presentation was born. These laws aren't just these that everybody knows, like don't let your dog pee on the neighbour's garden. No, the following laws are completely different, and soon you'll know why.

We've chosen to tell you 13 funny laws, because 13 is an unlucky number. We considered, that we were oftwn really unlucky, and we thought, like in maths, two times negative gets positive. Here we start! We hope you'll like it, which we're sure you'll do.

(Ici, il y aura des lois comme "En Oklahoma, toute personne peut être condamnée à une amende, voire à la prison, pour avoir fait des grimaces à un chien")

So, these was our presentation. We hope you enjoyed it!
PS: If you go on a holiday, you should maybe inform yourself about the laws in that country if you don't want to risk a big surprise.


Modifié par lucile83 le 11-06-2013 22:26

Réponse: Présentation/Correction de notrepere, postée le 11-06-2013 à 20:22:43 (S | E)

Hi guys! We thought very long about what subject we should use for our presentation. We had no idea, the best one was to make it about tigers. But it was so boring, nearly as boring as our last presentation. "So what should we choose, then?" It was a difficult question. Something that wouldn't let(autre verbe) everyone fall asleep.

And then, -what a coincidence!- we've found a website with laws from all over the world. We've read a bit, and then, a new idea for our presentation was born. These laws aren't just these that everybody knows, like don't let your dog pee on the neighbour's garden. No, the following laws are completely different, and soon you'll know why.

We've chosen to tell you 13 funny laws, because 13 is an unlucky number. We considered, that we were oftwn really unlucky, and we thought, like in maths, two times negative two makes a positive. Here we go! We hope you'll like it, which we're sure you will.

(Ici, il y aura des lois comme "En Oklahoma, toute personne peut être condamnée à une amende, voire à la prison, pour avoir fait des grimaces à un chien")

So, these was our presentation. We hope you enjoyed it!
PS: If you go on a holiday, you should maybe inform yourself about the laws in that country if you don't want to risk a big surprise.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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