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Hans Zimmer /Correction

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Hans Zimmer /Correction
Message de happyboy3311 posté le 10-10-2013 à 16:00:02 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Pour demain, nous devons préparer un oral de 2min sur le sujet de notre choix.
J'ai choisi le grand compositeur Hans Zimmer
Mon texte comporte-t-il beaucoup d'erreurs s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses

1. First of all Hans Zimmer is a German film composer and music producer. When he was a little child, he could not bear the school. He wanted to write his music and didn’t learn math or physic. Fortunately, he entered in a new school in Great Britain. Besides the school director told him that he could write his music and didn’t learn math. Thanks to this school director, Hans Zimmer wrote quickly a lot of music.

2. Then, Hans Zimmer is called by a lot of producer or director. He arrives in Hollywood and his first great success is Rain Man. In 2003 he created his studio “Media Ventures” with his friend Jay Rifkin in Los Angeles. They must have looked forward to thriving. Unfortunately, Hans Zimmer argued with Jay and they should separate their. Let us add that Hans kept the studio. The new name becomes “Remote Control Productions”.

3. Moreover, Hans Zimmer composed real famous soundtracks like Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman… For instance, He’s A Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean is a very famous theme. If you want you could listen this music at the end.
4. Hans composed also cartoons music like The Lion King or Spirit, The Stallion of The Cimarron. With The Lion King he has won one Oscar. It is worth watching these movies just for Hans Zimmer.

5. In addition, Hans plays much with voices in his music. Indeed, his music is very powerful thanks to many instruments. He works strangely…
For example, during the Pirates of the Caribbean recording, Hans was with Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer. They were listening with carefully the conductor and the music was wonderful. But Jerry has seen Hans and has said: “It’s not great. It lacks something.” They have bought rum then the conductor has played again the music and Hans has said: “Now, it’s perfect.” The producer did agree.

6. I wish I could play all the music by Hans Zimmer with my phone but I don’t have time. Indeed Hans has composed for a lot of other movies like Inception, Backdraft, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Pearl Harbor, Sherlock Holmes...

7. To put it in a nutshell, Hans is a wonderful composer. If I had have the time I would speak about the great emotion in The Lion King when Simba understand that his father is dead or the fear in The Ring, the will in Backdraft or the humor in Pirates of the Caribbean…
So, blessed is Hans Zimmer !

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-10-2013 22:21

Réponse: Hans Zimmer /Correction de happyboy3311, postée le 10-10-2013 à 19:23:43 (S | E)
Cette phrase convient-elle s'il vous plait ? =)

"If you want you could listen this music at the end."


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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