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Utilisation /as one

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Utilisation /as one
Message de lehongkhanh posté le 31-10-2013 à 12:15:15 (S | E | F)

I cannot understand this sentence :
"You are burnt beyond recognition," he added, looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage.
By the way, I'd like to ask some questions:
1/ In this sentence, "as one" = ensemble (in French) ?
2/ What is the subject of "looks"
3/ Why are there the simple past tense (added) and the simple present (looks) in this sentence?
Thank you for your help.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-10-2013 13:21

Réponse: Utilisation /as one de angel7, postée le 31-10-2013 à 16:23:39 (S | E)

1) as one is an idiom which means all together but in this context, as one can be understood in the way of as someone or somebody.
eg : looking at his wife as someone looks at a valuable piece of personal...
2)One is not only a number, it's also a pronoun which may refer to an individual person, thing or instance. So, the subject of look is one.
3)It's right for me, as one looks at valuable piece... is not an action which takes place in this story but it's a general way to look at a valuable thing or person that the author uses to describe the scene. Unlike look, "he added" describes an action which takes place in this past story.
Hope it helps

Modifié par angel7 le 31-10-2013 16:34

Réponse: Utilisation /as one de violet91, postée le 01-11-2013 à 01:16:52 (S | E)
Hello ,

This sentence is interesting but awful for the woman . It must be taken from a book or a film . It is direct speech ( except for he added ')
The narrator uses 'he added ' , because the sentence was pronounced in a previous period , in the past , or by all means , not the day it is related .
The husband looks at his wife exactly like at a belonging , considering her as precious as a precious possession ( a thing ).
'As' is a conjunction opening a clause which expresses similarity , here . In this context, one is a pronoun meaning ' a man ' or 'some man' . Otherwise , it would mean somebody or someone.

Réponse: Utilisation /as one de lehongkhanh, postée le 01-11-2013 à 17:14:34 (S | E)
Thank you,
Thank you, lucile83 and angel7.
I understood.
Thank you very much.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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