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Gatsby /Correction

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Gatsby /Correction
Message de happyboy3311 posté le 06-11-2013 à 17:00:18 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,

Notre travail sur The Great Gatsby s'achève, notre professeur nous a demandé d'expliquer en dix lignes nos moments préférés et de justifier notre choix
Pouvez-vous m'aider à trouver mes erreurs s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

I have got many best moments in The Great Gatsby. But my two favorite moments in the book are when Nick is seeing Gatsby for the first time and when he’s meeting Gatsby.
First of all, I’m keen on this first passage because it’s mysterious. Indeed, it’s the night and Nick is seeing Gatsby who is looking East Egg, across the river. Besides Nick doesn’t know why Gatsby is seeing East Egg and it’s an important point of the story. Moreover, Gatsby organizes wonderful parties with a lot of people but in this passage, he’s lonely in the shadow of the night. It’s like a dark and secret side of him.
In addition, the second passage is humoristic because Nick speaks a lot with a person without to know who he is. He was looking forward to meeting Gatsby and it’s thanks to the random that he meets the millionaire.
I am fond of these two passages because there moments are strange, different of the rest of the book. Indeed in the first, the more important side of Gatsby is revealed at the mere sight of Nick and the reader: It’s like a secret which is shared. In the second, the reader discovers in the same time to Nick, the reader is Nick for a short time.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2013 18:09

Réponse: Gatsby /Correction de thunderous, postée le 06-11-2013 à 17:35:39 (S | E)

I have had many great moments with "The Great Gatsby" but my two favorite moments in the book are when Nick sees Gatsby for the first time and when he meets him.
First of all, I am keen on former because it is mysterious. Indeed, it is in the night and Nick spots Gatsby, who is looking out at East Egg across the river. Moreover, Nick does not know why Gatsby is looking at East Egg and it is an important point of foreshadowing in the story. Moreover, Gatsby organizes wonderful parties with lots of people but in this passage, he is lonely in the dark of the night. It is like a hidden side of his personality.
As for the second passage, it is humourous because Nick talks a lot to someone without knowing who he is. He was also hoping to meet Gatsby and it is thanks to the stranger that he eventually does make contact with the mysterious millionaire.
I am fond of these two passages because they are a change of pace and atmosphere and different to the rest of the book. Indeed in the first, the more important side of Gatsby is revealed at the mere sight of Nick and for the reader, it is like a secret is being shared. In the second, it is told from Nick's point of view for a short time and the reader learns things simultaneously.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2013 18:08

Réponse: Gatsby /Correction de happyboy3311, postée le 06-11-2013 à 17:53:45 (S | E)
Thank you a lot for your answer !
Is it "humourous" or "humorous" [because Nick talks a lot] please ?


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