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Avis/ mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Avis/ mythes et héros
Message de eclipse89 posté le 06-05-2015 à 23:34:59 (S | E | F)
voilà le texte que j'ai fait pour mon oral sur la notion mythes et héros. Si vous pouviez me dire ce que vous en pensez ou si vous constatez des erreurs merci de me le dire. Je ne sais pas trop comment je devais faire le texte.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Originally, the myth is an oral history and involves heroes with their actions. Since they are very present in society through the ages with different aspects. What are these characteristics of heroes? We focus on soldiers in a first part and then we will see celebrities.

During conflicts like wars, soldiers were the main actors on the battlefield. They fought to defend the nation and sets countries. Despite the extremely difficult conditions and the horror of conflict, they risked their lives. All soldiers can be called heroes because this is a group and some people have never been identified. The member of the resistance can also be considered heroes because they have looked for solutions to fight against the enemy during occupation It is national heroes.
In our current society , heroes are still very present . However, these are people do good deeds (humanitarian action) but it can be also actor or singer. They mark us with their action. We can see for instance, Marilyn Monroe. Today, we remember and talk to her. However, she has been dead since the sixties. She was glamorous and symbolized the modern woman. She tries to seduce us and represents perfection, power. It influences us. The celebrities are starting from nothing and build their career. They also had a difficult childhood. With their success, they make people dream. We can also see them as immortal because even after their death, we broadcast what they did.

We see that the heroes are the soldiers who fought to defend their country. This can also be celebrities like actors . They influence us and make us dream .

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2015 07:19

Réponse: Avis/ mythes et héros de gerondif, postée le 07-05-2015 à 17:31:01 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
Originally, thea myth is an oral history (vous voulez dire a story?) and involves heroes with their actions. Since (au sens de puisque?) they are very present in society through the ages with different aspects. What are these characteristics of heroes? We will focus on soldiers in a first part and then we will see celebrities.

During conflicts like wars, soldiers were the main actors on the battlefield. They fought to defend the nation and sets countries. Despite the extremely difficult conditions and the horror of conflicts, they risked their lives. All soldiers can be called heroes because this is a group and some people have never been identified (? sens?). The members of the resistance can also be considered heroes because they have looked for solutions to fight against the enemy during occupation. They are national heroes.
In our current society , heroes are still very present . However, they are now people who do good deeds (humanitarian action) but they can be also actors or singers. They mark us with their actions. We can see for instance, Marilyn Monroe. Today, we remember and talk to her(ah, si vous lui parlez, alors vous faites tourner les tables ou revenir les fantômes. Vous parlez au sujet d'elle, d'elle!). However, she has been dead (formulation bizarre, elle est à l'état de cadavre depuis les années soixante, mieux vaudait dire, she died a long time ago, in the sixties)since the sixties. She was glamorous and symbolized the modern woman. She tries to seduce us and represents perfection, power. It influences us. The celebrities are starting(présent simple préférable) from nothing and build their career. They also had a difficult childhood. With their success, they make people dream. We can also see them as immortal because even after their death, we broadcast what they did.

We see that the heroes are the soldiers who fought to defend their country. This They can also be celebrities like actors . They influence us and make us dream.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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