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Correction/économie politique

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Correction/économie politique
Message de paulinelonguet posté le 29-11-2015 à 22:06:38 (S | E | F)
Please, someone can help me to correct my work? It is very important...
Thanks for any reply.

Many European contry are relunctant about the come of asylum seeker, but Germany’s authorities exect up to 1.5 millions asylum seekers to arrive in Germany this years.
Why Germany is taking in so many refugees ? The reasons are very practical.

The main reason is taking in asylum seekers will permit to Germny to solve their skills shortage. Indeeed, Berlin estimates its working age people will shrink by 6millons people by 2030, making hard to keep the economy growing. To put it in a nutshell, it will resolve the Germanys demogaphic difficulty. For exemple, Dortmund, an industriel city, host around 4.000 refugees and expect the number to double by the end of the year.

While many contries think they cannot host refugees because of the high level of unemployement, the local Chamber of Trade (HWK) says the problem is that people dosn’t have the right qualification.
In fact, university’s teaching is broader than vocational school or apprendiship’s teaching. Thus, a lot of student prefer because they don’t know what they want to do later. Moreover, the job market need more specialized people.
Thus, Germnay has put in place apprenticeship for refugees both to optimize their social integration and for the good of the economy.

However, it is no so as geat as it seem to be. First, the introduction of refugees into the German job market come as a theat to the existing working class because apprendisceships are not bound by the minimum wage. In addition, educating refugees who can not read, writing and speack german is expensive.
Economicallyn the semective immigration would be the solution but humanely, it’s impossible.

To conclude, if Germany is so eager with the aim of welcoming asylum seekers, it is not because of a moral duty to so many people who escape war and poverty from the Middle East and Africa, but it is in a economic goal.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2015 07:35

Réponse: Correction/économie politique de gerondif, postée le 30-11-2015 à 11:45:24 (S | E)
beaucoup de mots sont "estropiés", soit une lettre en moins, soit une en trop, les pluriels sont singuliers, les singuliers pluriels....C'est souvent du français traduit mot-à-mot.
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert:
Please, someone can(inversez en forme interrogative) help me to correct my work? It is very important...

Many European contry (orthographe + pluriel) are relunctant(n en trop) about the come(à mettre au gérondif) of asylum seeker(pluriel), but Germany’s(il vaudrait mieux mettre l'adjectif) authorities expect up to 1.5 millions(à enlever, adjectif invariable) asylum seekers to arrive in Germany this years(singulier!).
Why Germany is(inversez en forme interrogative!) taking in so many refugees ? The reasons are very practical.

The main reason is taking in asylum seekers will permit to Germny to solve their skills shortage. Indeeed, Berlin estimates its working age people will shrink (non, ce ne sont pas les gens qui vont rétrécir mais leur nombre) by 6 millons people by 2030, making it hard to keep the economy growing. To put it in a nutshell, it will resolve the Germany's demogaphic difficulty. For exemple, Dortmund, an industriel city, host(le s du présent) around 4.000 refugees and expect(le s) the number to double by the end of the year.

While many contries think they cannot host refugees because of the high level of unemployement, the local Chamber of Trade (HWK) says the problem is that people dosn’t have the right qualification.
In fact, university’s teaching is broader than vocational school or apprendiship’s teaching. Thus, a lot of student(pluriel) prefer(ils préfèrent quoi ?) because they don’t know what they want to do later. Moreover, the job market need(le s du présent) more specialized people.
Thus, Germnay has put in place apprenticeship for refugees both to optimize their social integration and for the good of the economy.

However, it is no so as great as it seem(le s du présent!) to be. First, the introduction of refugees into the German job market come(le s) as a theat to the existing working class because apprendisceships (prononcé ainsi uniquement quand on est enrhubé) are not bound by the minimum wage. In addition, educating refugees who can not(en un seul mot) read, writing and speack german is expensive.
Economicallyn the semective immigration would be the solution but humanely, it’s impossible.

To conclude, if Germany is so eager with the aim of(eager to + base verbale) welcoming asylum seekers, it is not because of a moral duty to so many people who escape war and poverty from the Middle East and Africa, but it is in(pour, à cause de) a economic goal.


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