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The missing vowels/263

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The missing vowels/263
Message de marit64 posté le 12-07-2018 à 01:50:45 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. ..... (s m t) 1

2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. ..... (r b n r) 2

3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. ..... (h p t m) 1

4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. ..... (v y n) 2

5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. ..... (k d h l b) 3

6- To stick out; to project. ..... (t p d r r) 3

7- Pale and sickly-looking. ..... (n w) 1

8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. ..... (p s n) 1

9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. ..... (z g) 2

10- To fasten to something. ..... (h h c t) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de chocolatcitron, postée le 12-07-2018 à 18:14:44 (S | E)
The missing vowels/263
Message de marit64 posté le 12-07-2018 à 01:50:45 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thank you very much for playing with us, it was difficult enough, but how happy I feel to have found every word : such a GREAT game!
Hi everybody, specially to « La Fine Équipe » GOOD LUCK to each of you, I've learnt a lot!

Here is my work:
1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. (s m t) 1 mast = mât.
2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. (r b n r) 2 barren = stérile.
3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. (h p t m) 1 thump = frapper violemment.
4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. (v y n) 2 envoy = émissaire, ambassadeur.
5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. (k d h l b) 3 bulkhead = cloison, tablier.
6- To stick out; to project. (t p d r r) 3 protude = faire saillie, dépasser.
7- Pale and sickly-looking. (n w) 1 wan = blême, blaffard.
8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. (p s n) 1 span = travée.
9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. (z g) 2 gaze = fixer du regard.
10- To fasten to something. (h h c t) 1 hitch = atteler un véhicule.

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de peticha, postée le 12-07-2018 à 22:40:35 (S | E)
Hello marit64, thanks a lot.
Hello all of you.

Here is my try:
1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc.….(s m t) 1 mast : mât.

2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc..... (r b n r) 2 barren : stérile.

3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit..... (h p t m) 1 thump : frapper violemment.

4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government..... (v y n) 2 envoy : ambassadeur, émissaire.

5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another..... (k d h l b) 3 bulkhead : cloison, tablier.

6- To stick out; to project..... (t p d r r) 3 protude : faire saillie.

7- Pale and sickly-looking..... (n w) 1 wan : blême.

8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch..... (p s n) 1 span : travée.

9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest..... (z g) 2 gaze : fixer du regard.

10- To fasten to something..... (h h c t) 1 hitch : atteler un véhicule.

Have a great week !

So long.

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de swan85, postée le 13-07-2018 à 18:05:00 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. MAST (s m t) 1
2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. BARREN (r b n r) 2
3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. THUMP (h p t m) 1
4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. ENVOY (v y n) 2
5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. BULKHEAD (k d h l b) 3
6- To stick out; to project. PROTRUDE (t p d r r) 3
7- Pale and sickly-looking. WAN (n w) 1
8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. SPAN (p s n) 1
9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. GAZE (z g) 2
10- To fasten to something. HITCH (h h c t) 1

Thank you for this instructive exercise.
Have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de afarodj, postée le 15-07-2018 à 09:31:48 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice Sunday.

1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. ..... (s m t) 1. -Mast.- Mât-hampe.

2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. ..... (r b n r) 2. -Barren.- Aride (terre).

3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. ..... (h p t m) 1. -Thump.-Bruit sourd.

4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. ..... (v y n) 2. -Envoy.- Émissaire.

5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. ..... (k d h l b) 3. -Bulkhead.- Cloison.

6- To stick out; to project. ..... (t p d r r) 3. -Protrude.- Faire saillie- former un relief.

7- Pale and sickly-looking. ..... (n w) 1. -Wan.-Blême.

8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. ..... (p s n) 1. -Span.- Travée.

9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. ..... (z g) 2. -Gaze.- Fixer du regard.

10- To fasten to something. ..... (h h c t) 1
. -Hitch.-Atteler.

Modifié par afarodj le 15-07-2018 10:03

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de flowermusic, postée le 17-07-2018 à 11:30:25 (S | E)
Hello Marit

That's my try

Salut à tous

1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. ..... (s m t) 1 mast

2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. ..... (r b n r) 2 barren

3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. ..... (h p t m) 1 thump

4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. ..... (v y n) 2 envoy

5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. ..... (k d h l b) 3 bulkhead

6- To stick out; to project. ..... (t p d r r) 3 protrude

7- Pale and sickly-looking. ..... (n w) 1 wan

8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. ..... (p s n) 1 span

9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. ..... (z g) 2 gaze

10- To fasten to something. ..... (h h c t) 1 hitch

I hope the weather is getting cooler

See you soon very soon

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de daisy50, postée le 18-07-2018 à 18:00:24 (S | E)
hello Marit and everybody,

Here is my work :

1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. ... mast

2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. .... barren

3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. ..... thump

4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. ..... envoy

5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. .... bulkhead

6- To stick out; to project. ..... protude

7- Pale and sickly-looking. ..... wan

8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. ..... span

9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. ..... gaze

10- To fasten to something. ..... hitch

Many thanks for this new exercise.

See you very soon!

Réponse : The missing vowels/263 de sanna6, postée le 18-07-2018 à 21:47:07 (S | E)
Hello Marit Hello Everybody

1- A long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc. ..... (s m t) 1 Mast - Mât

2- Not able to produce crops, fruit, young etc. ..... (r b n r) 2 Barren - Infécond

3- (The sound of) a heavy blow or hit. ..... (h p t m) 1 Thump - Le son d'un coup de poing ?

4- A messenger, especially one sent to deal with a foreign government. ..... (v y n) 2 Envoy - Représentant

5- A division between one part of a ship's interior and another. ..... (k d h l b) 3 Bulkhead - Cloison

6- To stick out; to project. ..... (t p d r r) 3 To protrude - Ressortir

7- Pale and sickly-looking. ..... (n w) 1 Wan - Blême

8- The length between the supports of a bridge or arch. ..... (p s n) 1 Span - Travée

9- To look steadily (at) for some time, usually in surprise, out of interest. ..... (z g) 2 To gaze - Regarder avec des yeux toutronds

10- To fasten to something. ..... (h h c t) 1 To hitch - Attacher

I thank you very much for this new Missing vowels! It's always a pleasure to do

I hope a very nice week for everyone!


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