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The missing vowels /281

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The missing vowels /281
Message de marit64 posté le 14-11-2018 à 22:45:33 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Since the last exercise was more difficult, this time you'll have all the numbers of vowels.

1- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2

2- To giggle. ..... (r t t t) 2

3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. ..... (z l h) 2

4- A group of islands. ..... (p h r l g c) 5

5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. ..... (p t g l s n r) 2

6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. ..... (c l k c) 1

7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. ..... (n s b) 1

8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. ..... (s c d t s) 2

9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. ..... (t l r t p) 2

10- A very small insect that lives on plants. ..... (h d p) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /281 de flowermusic, postée le 14-11-2018 à 23:12:23 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2 catty

2- To giggle. ..... (r t t t) 2 titter

3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. ..... (z l h) 2 hazel

4- A group of islands. ..... (p h r l g c) 5 archipelago

5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. ..... (p t g l s n r) 2 stripling

6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. ..... (c l k c) 1 cluck

7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. ..... (n s b) 1 snub

8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. ..... (s c d t s) 2 dissect

9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. ..... (t l r t p) 2 prattle

10- A very small insect that lives on plants. ..... (h d p) 2 aphid

Have a sweet sweet week

Salut aux amies qui vont venir

Réponse : The missing vowels /281 de chocolatcitron, postée le 14-11-2018 à 23:35:17 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 281
Message de marit64 posté le 14-11-2018 à 22:45:33 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit and many thanks!
Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
1- Spiteful, malicious. (t c t) 2 catty = méchant, malveillant, vache, acerbe.
2- To giggle. (r t t t) 2 titter = glousser.
3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. (z l h) 2 hazel = noisetier.
4- A group of islands. (p h r l g c) 5 archipelago = archipel.
5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. (p t g l s n r) 2 stripling = jouvenceau, jeunot.
6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. (c l k c) 1 cluck = caquètement.
7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. (n s b) 1 snub = snober, repousser.
8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. (s c d t s) 2 dissect = disséquer.
9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. (t l r t p) 2 prattle = bavasser, papoter, jacasser, blablater.
10- A very small insect that lives on plants. (h d p) 2 aphid = puceron.

Have a very sweet week, all of you!
Un amical bonjour aux habitués.
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /281 de daisy50, postée le 15-11-2018 à 21:16:21 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- Spiteful, malicious. .... catty

2- To giggle. ..... titter

3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. .... hazel

4- A group of islands. .. archipelago

5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. .. stripling

6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. ... cluck

7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. ..... snub

8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. ..... dissect

9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. .... prattle

10- A very small insect that lives on plants. ..... aphid

Thanks a lot Marit. This exercice was really very pleasant to do!

Have a nice week and see you later!

Un petit coucou à Flowermusic et Chocolatcitron qui sont déjà là, également aux participants à venir.

Réponse : The missing vowels /281 de sanna6, postée le 17-11-2018 à 13:59:51 (S | E)

Here is my try, thank you very much for this Missing Vowels Marit

1- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2 Catty - Malveillant

2- To giggle. ..... (r t t t) 2 Titter - Rire nerveux

3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. ..... (z l h) 2 Hazel - Noisetier

4- A group of islands. ..... (p h r l g c) 5 Archipelago - Archipel

5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. ..... (p t g l s n r) 2 Stripling - Jeune homme

6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. ..... (c l k c) 1 Cluck - Caquètement

7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. ..... (n s b) 1 To snub - Mépriser

8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. ..... (s c d t s) 2 To dissect - Disséquer

9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. ..... (t l r t p) 2 To prattle - Papoter

10- A very small insect that lives on plants. ..... (h d p) 2 Aphid - Puceron

Hope a very nice week for everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels /281 de afarodj, postée le 19-11-2018 à 16:06:12 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2.-Catty.-Vache(Méchant).
2- To giggle. ..... (r t t t) 2.-Titter.-Ricaner.
3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. ..... (z l h) 2.-Hazel.-Noisetier.
4- A group of islands. ..... (p h r l g c) 5.-Archipelago.- Archipel.
5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. ..... (p t g l s n r) 2.-Stripling.-Adolescent.
6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. ..... (c l k c) 1.-Cackle.-Caquètement.
7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. ..... (n s b) 1.-Snub.-Bouder.
8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. (scdts)2.Dissect.-Disséquer.
9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. (t l r t p) 2.-Prattle.-Babiller.
10- A very small insect that lives on plants. ..... (h d p) 2.-Aphid.- Puceron.

Réponse : The missing vowels /281 de swan85, postée le 21-11-2018 à 13:27:23 (S | E)
HI EVERYBODY and have a nice week.

1- Spiteful, malicious. CATTY (t c t) 2
2- To giggle. TITTER (r t t t) 2
3- A kind of small tree on which nuts grow. HAZEL (z l h) 2
4- A group of islands. ARCHIPELAGO (p h r l g c) 5
5- A boy or youth not yet fully grown. STRIPLING (p t g l s n r) 2
6- (A sound like) the call of a hen. CLUCK (c l k c) 1
7- To treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult. SNUB (n s b) 1
8- To cut (an animal's body) into parts for (scientific) examination. DISSECT (s c d t s) 2
9- To talk or chatter about unimportant things or like a child. PRATTLE (t l r t p) 2
10- A very small insect that lives on plants. APHID (h d p) 2

Thank you Marit for your exercise, easy to do.


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