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Correction/ beurre

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ beurre
Message de dadoush35 posté le 21-11-2018 à 21:06:31 (S | E | F)
est-ce que vous pourriez m'aider à corriger ce texte s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance!!

The United States are the second largest butter producer in the world. The US produce in average 800.000 tons butter a year and their production has increased by 50% in the last decade. So we can suggest that the demand for butter is high.
On the diagram, we can see that the demand is rising between 2000 and 2007.
The article from the website “Slate” says that nowadays, American buy more butter than margarine. Indeed, thanks to culinary chiefs and TV cooking programs, they promote recipes with lots of butter.
They also explain that “French origin seems to be quite popular on the east coast”
Did you know ?→ Brand new tendency in the USA : to put butter on your coffee : when you drink it, you are able to be very well during the whole day
We have some competitors. Among them, Kerrygold which is the second-best-selling branded butter in the US and the number one imported butter. It has been established in 1961 as a farmer’s cooperation to « promote, facilitate, encourage and develop the exportation of milk and dairy products ». Kerrygold products have been established as a premium brand so people can benefit from the rich quality of Irish milk.
For Paysan Breton, butter is our most historical product and a must-have for any french person. We want to introduce the alternative of a “real” butter into the American culture.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-11-2018 21:11

Réponse : Correction/ beurre de aminophys, postée le 22-11-2018 à 16:13:25 (S | E)
The United States are the second largest butter producer in the world. The US produce in average 800.000 tons of butter a year and their production has increased by 50% in the last decade. So we can suggest that the demand for butter is high.
On the diagram, we can see that the demand is rising between 2000 and 2007.
The article from the website “Slate” states that nowadays, Americans buy more butter than margarine. Indeed, thanks to culinary chiefs and TV cooking programs, they promote recipes with a lot of butter.
They also explain that “French origin seems to be quite popular on the East coast”
Did you know ?→ Brand new tendency in the USA : to put butter in your coffee : when you drink it, you are able to be very well during the whole day
We have some competitors. Among them, Kerrygold which is the second-best-selling branded butter in the US and the number one in imported butter. It has been established in 1961 as a farmer’s cooperation to « promote, facilitate, encourage and develop the exportation of milk and dairy products ». Kerrygold products have been established as a premium brand so that people can benefit from the rich quality of Irish milk.
For Paysan Breton, butter is our most historical product and a must-have for any French person. We want to introduce the alternative of a “real” butter into the American culture.

Réponse : Correction/ beurre de vaiana, postée le 22-11-2018 à 18:52:25 (S | E)

The United States are (ATTENTION : singular) the second largest butter producer in the world. The US produce (conjugaison) in average 800.000 tons butter a year and their production has increased by 50% in (à supprimer) the last decade. So we can suggest that the demand for butter is high.
On the diagram, we can see that the demand is rising between 2000 and 2007.
The article from the website “Slate” says that nowadays, American (people) buy more butter than margarine. Indeed, thanks to culinary chefs and TV cooking programs, they promote recipes with lots of butter.
They also explain that “French origin seems to be quite popular on the east coast”
Did you know ?→ Brand new tendency in the USA : to put butter on your coffee : when you drink it, you can be very well during the whole day.
We have some competitors. Among them, Kerrygold which is the second-best-selling branded butter in the US and the number one imported butter. It has been established in 1961 as a farmer’s cooperation to « promote, facilitate, encourage and develop the exportation of milk and dairy products ». Kerrygold products have been established as a premium brand so people can benefit from the rich quality of Irish milk.
For Paysan Breton, butter is our most historical product and a must-have for any French person. We want to introduce the alternative of a “real” butter into the American culture.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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