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Express / opinion
Message de jane37 posté le 29-11-2018 à 11:41:23 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait vérifier le vocabulaire et la grammaire des arguments (PRO)évoqués au sujet du "Bowl food"?
Merci beaucoup .

Why ”bowl food“is so popular.
1) As far as I am concerned, I like what is trendy, it makes me change habit, and I feel younger.
1 bis) In my opinion I think it's good to be able to eat upright, it's more user-friendly
2) As far as I am concerned, changing containers propels me to discover new taste.
Personally, I think that pulses and cereals can be better presented in a bowl than in a plate.
3) According to Chef Anna Jones who wrote: that bowl food is at least 10%healtier that food on plate! I think it is positive.
4) According to Charles Spence who studies the psychology of food said that a warm bowl in your hand encourages you to feel content I think he is right.
4 bis)Well, you see the way we perceive rimless bowls to contain bigger portions than they actually do may encourage us to eat less.
5) I’m convinced that ‘bowls food “is a good idea, and Katy Greenwood food stylist immediately makes things look pretty
5bis) I agree with you, at John Lewis (super market) bowls are more popular than plates as gifts.
In a way, it's good for the trade, it sells dishes and cookbooks.

6) To my mind for the past decade top chefs have been doing just that pureeing jellifying; shredding and dicing ingredients to create dishes than you can easily eating with a spoon.
7) in my opinion, I suppose that bowls food are more practical than snacks that dry and fall in pieces
8) I guess that “bowls food” offers a freedom of design of dishes; we can put good ingredients but not pretty in the background and decorate the top.
9) In my view, I think that bowl food offers service and creativity facilities
High-end caterers appreciate these benefits.
10 )I'm convinced that serving bowls makes traveling possible by offering different world cuisines.
11 )I guess that the young royal couple are fans because a bowl party allows people to circulate and of course avoid any particularly awful guests !
11bis) I‘d say that we do not have to stay next to someone if we do not like it!

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-11-2018 11:55

Réponse : Express / opinion de vaiana, postée le 02-12-2018 à 15:02:02 (S | E)
Hello! Here is my attempt:

Why bowl food is so popular.
1) As far as I am concerned, I like what is trendy, it makes me change my habit (plural), and I feel younger.
1 bis) In my opinion I think it's good to be able to eat upright, it's more user-friendly
2) As far as I am concerned, changing containers propels me to discover new taste (pl.).
Personally, I think that pulses and cereals can be better presented in a bowl than in a plate.
3) According to Chef Anna Jones, who wrote that bowl food is at least 10% healtier (spelling) that (wrong word) food on plate! I think it is positive.
4) According to Charles Spence who studies the psychology of food, said that a warm bowl in your hand (pl.) encourages you to feel content. I think he is right.
4 bis)Well, you see the way we perceive rimless bowls to contain bigger portions than they actually do may encourage us to eat less.
5) I’m convinced that bowls (singular) food is a good idea, and food-stylist Katy Greenwood immediately makes things look pretty.
5bis) I agree with you, at John Lewis (supermarket) bowls are more popular than plates as gifts.
In a way, it's good for the trade, it sells dishes and cookbooks.

6) To my mind for the past decade top chefs have been doing just that pureeing jellifying; shredding and dicing ingredients to create dishes than you can easily eating with a spoon.
7) in my opinion, I suppose that bowls food are more practical than snacks that dry and fall in pieces
8) I guess that “bowls food” offers a freedom of dish design; we can put good ingredients but not pretty in the background and decorate the top.
9) In my view, I think that bowl food offers service and creativity facilities
High-end caterers appreciate these benefits.
10 )I'm convinced that serving bowls makes traveling possible by offering different world cuisines.
11 )I guess that the young royal couple are fans because a bowl party allows people to circulate and of course avoid any particularly awful guests !
11bis) I‘d say that we do not have to stay next to someone if we do not like it/him!

Réponse : Express / opinion de jane37, postée le 03-12-2018 à 08:09:55 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour ces observations . à bientôt

Réponse : Express / opinion de gerold, postée le 05-12-2018 à 12:37:39 (S | E)
Bonjour jane37
En plus des points soulevés par vaiana :
... to create dishes than that you can easily eating with a spoon.
J'éviterais aussi les redondances comme "in my opinion/view, I think".
Je ne suis pas sûr non plus que "user-friendly" corresponde à ce que vous voulez dire. Ce mot signifie convivial au sens de "pratique", or manger debout n'est pas vraiment pratique, mais peut être plus festif qu'un repas traditionnel, je vous propose "more convivial (ou festive)".

Réponse : Express / opinion de jane37, postée le 06-12-2018 à 14:40:19 (S | E)
Merci Gerold pour ce complément d'observations et d'informations. Best regards


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