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Class representative/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Class representative/aide
Message de perfect posté le 26-02-2019 à 23:30:36 (S | E | F)

Alors voici un discours pour se présenter en tant que délégué de classe, ce discours porte sur le changement climatique :
First of all, hello everybody. I'm a candidate for the position of class representative. Now, I'm gonna to speak about a very important and topical subject : the Climate change. Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our planet Many politicians and scientists say it is the biggest danger we face ! We can read it everyday!Many species of animal, bee, fish or insect are dying ! The ice caps in the Artic and Antartica are melting ! Our weather is changing so places are getting warmer or colder. I repeat, the Earth is changing forever ! To prevent this, I propose classes on ecology. This will be very helpful for our generation and futures generations. One hour or two hours a week will would be beneficial for all of us. We will learn how doing simple things like sorting the waste or recycling. We must commit ourselves to preserve our planet.
Vote for me, for a better future !

Merci d'avance pour votre aide,

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-02-2019 07:58

Réponse : Class representative/aide de gerondif, postée le 27-02-2019 à 00:06:20 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
First of all, hello everybody. I'm a candidate for the position of class representative. Now, I'm gonna to (gonna est la version destroy de going to) speak about a very important and topical subject : the Climate change. Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our planet Many politicians and scientists say it is the biggest danger we face ! We can read it everyday!Many species of animal, bee, fish or insect are dying ! The ice caps in the Artic and Antartica are melting ! Our weather is changing so places are getting warmer or colder. I repeat, the Earth is changing forever ! To prevent this, I propose classes on ecology. This will be very helpful for our generation and futures generations. One hour or two hours a week will would(choisissez) be beneficial for all of us. We will learn how doing (how + infinitif)simple things like sorting the waste or recycling. We must commit ourselves to preserve our planet.
Vote for me, for a better future !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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