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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de zelie posté le 03-03-2019 à 16:31:43 (S | E | F)
j'ai un devoir d'écriture à faire; pouvez-vous me corriger s'il vous plait? (grammaire orthographe conjugaison...)
Merci pour vos réponses.

Lady and gentleman, welcome to the manor of Begly, said our guide! I find myself in front of a big mansion surrounded by my group of students. They are strangely calm, as fascinated by this place that gives off a strange atmosphere. The facade of the mansion is made of large gray granite stones and the wall thickness to something scary. The guide leads us through a heavy wooden door as the rain begins to fall. We walk in a dark narrow corridor that seems not finish. The wall oozes moisture and the air is icy. Our small group finally ends up in a vast room: the kitchens. It is located in the foundation of the manor, as evidenced by the stone vaults and the low ceiling. Then we take a small spiral staircase that leads into the dining room. In the center there is a long wooden table. The rest of the room is warmer because it is filled with heavy wall hanging and a large carpet covering the big slab of cold. The guide then led us at the bottom of the imposing staircase that served the floors. The children climb the steps mutely. The wail of the old steps echoed dismally and the persistent silence was getting oppressive. The shriek of the wind shook the windows. A shrill whistle sounded. Children to jump with surprise as one person. Our guide smiles mockingly and said with a loud voice, “Hello lady Abigail!” all the disconcerted children turned to me. He carries on “In 1714 lived here a family with 3 children, one of them was a boy named George. They were noble and George was promised to a girl of the nobility. But in the kitchens there was a girl he was in love with and loved in return. Her name was Abigail. The two young people saw it in secret. Unfortunately George's parents discovered their son's relationship. They looked for a way to punish him. At that time the part of the manor in which we find ourselves was under construction. As you can see the walls are very thick. The parents have locked in the wall, alive, the poor Abigail. George was deprived of his loved and condemned to hear her cries of agony. Her ghost roams in the mansion and she has fun scaring the visitor”. The atmosphere was then even more menacing and the storm rumbling outside did not help. On the way back Charles asked me if the guide said true, I assured him no, but I'm not very convinced myself. This manor still gives me chills.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-03-2019 16:58

Réponse : Correction/texte de gerondif, postée le 03-03-2019 à 20:03:02 (S | E)
Vous n'auriez pas fait ça au traducteur automatique ? parce que:
the wall thickness to something scary. correspond à : l'épaisseur du mur à (avec accent) quelque chose d'effrayant.
Children to jump : les enfants à sursauté ??
The two young people saw it in secret : les deux jeunes gens ce voyaient en secret ?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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