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Application letter/Research Laboratory

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Application letter/Research Laboratory
Message de bisil posté le 17-03-2019 à 14:53:56 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone !
I am currently completing my third Year of Pharmacy in France, and I would like to submit my candidature apply to some English research lab teams in a University of the UK.
I don't know anyone good enough in English to correct my cover letter. That's why I am asking here, please.
Thank you in advance !

Here is my letter : ()
Subject : six-months Internship

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am writing to apply for a six-months internship. Please find enclosed my curriculums for your consideration.

I am actually completing the third year of Pharmacy studies at Faculty of Pharmacy and the second year of « Double-cursus Médecine-Sciences » (Medicine-Science double-program) , both in Strasbourg, France.
During my studies, I had the opportunity to learn different labs technics which will be of use in this position.

I am particularly interested in working for your team "____" because you are a pioneer in your domain and I am very interested in the domain of Oncology and Immunology.
Besides, the research areas are innovative and seem really interesting for me.

I would strongly appreciate bringing my skills to your team.

If you have any questions, please contact me at @

I am looking forward to hearing from you


Lisa xxx

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-03-2019 17:04

Réponse : Application letter/Research Laboratory de here4u, postée le 17-03-2019 à 15:38:27 (S | E)
I am actually completing my third Year of Pharmacy in France, and I would like to submit my candidature to some English research lab teams in a University of the UK.
I don't know anyone enough good in English to correct my cover letter. That's why I am asking here, please.
Thank you in advance !

Subject : six-months Internship (it's an adjective, here!)

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am writing to apply for a six-months internship. Please find enclosed my curriculums for your consideration.

I am actually(en fait ?) completing the third year of Pharmacy studies at Faculty of Pharmacy and the second year of « Double-cursus Médecine-Sciences » (Medicine-Science double-program), both in Strasbourg, France.
During my studies, I had the opportunity to learn different labs technics which will be of use in this position.

I am particularly interested in working for your team "____" because you are a pioneer in your domain and I am very interested in the domain of Oncology and Immunology.
Besides, the research areas are innovative and seem really interesting for me.

I would strongly appreciate bringing my skills to your team.

If you have any questions, please contact me at @

I am looking forward to hearing from you


Bien sûr, le CV sera joint, mais je trouve que l'on ne voit pas assez votre motivation, et pourquoi ils devraient vous choisir VOUS et pas quelqu'un d'autre ... Il faut mieux expliquer ce que vous apporterez à l'Etablissement, (compétences scientifiques et humaines ...)


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