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Correction/Phrases 2

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/Phrases 2
Message de aurelienworks posté le 19-03-2019 à 15:07:59 (S | E | F)
J'aurais besoin que vous m'aidiez à confirmer si ces phrases sont correctement écrites s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance ;)

16- I sued my housekeeper - or- I complainted about my housekeeper

17- He works overtime, he works respectfully and he takes few paid leave.

18- The plan was to cut the CEO down !

19- She breastfeed his baby.

20- He's convincing, and luckily ! Because this job is requiring, as the boss.

21- I aprove the scope defined by the mayor.

22- He claim that he only did unsuccessful efforts.

23- He applied but a boss's friend was named.

24- He staged three performances whose a play

25- He has found the lie out and his lihe has lost its balance.

26- There were parcels here and there. He didn't even verified whose it belong to

27- The dog has a painful paw, it is barking, it is complaining

28- The mermaid was on the plank, she has fallen and the hook has hurted her shoulder.

29- He has a bullet lodged in the leg

30- The local council has bought a site three times bigger.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-03-2019 16:06

Réponse : Correction/Phrases 2 de gerondif, postée le 19-03-2019 à 15:26:49 (S | E)
16- I sued my housekeeper - or- I complainted 'orthographe) about my housekeeper
to sue: intenter un procès à, poursuivre, donc porter plainte ? to complain about sth, se plaindre de qch.

17- He works overtime, he works respectfully and he takes few paid leave(few + nom pluriel).

18- The plan was to cut the CEO down !

19- She breastfeed (le s du présent simple) his baby.

20- He's convincing, and luckily(sonne français et heureusement !) ! Because this job is requiring(choix de mot pour dire exigeant), as(as = comme au sens de en tant que) the boss.

21- I aprove(to approve of) the scope(sens du mot ?) defined by the mayor.

22- He claim (le s !!) that he only did unsuccessful efforts.

23- He applied but a boss's friend was named.

24- He staged three performances whose(dont ici signifie parmi lesquelles et non pas auxquelles appartiennent) a play

25- He has found the lie out and his lihe has lost its balance.

26- There were parcels here and there. He didn't even verified(infinitif:!!) whose it belong to(bon là c'est la totale ! to belong to signifie appartenir à donc derrière le to on a un complément d'objet indirect, pas un génitif, donc whose est impossible et il manque le s du présent.

27- The dog has a painful paw, it is barking, it is complaining

28- The mermaid was on the plank (cette phrase situe l'action, le récit au passé, donc prétérit ensuite), she has fallen(plutôt un prétérit) and the hook has hurted(aïe! to hurt I hurt hurt ! et puis c'est du prétérit) her shoulder.

29- He has a bullet lodged in the leg (l'anglais met un adjectif possessif)

30- The local council has bought a site three times bigger(c'est le piège, dès qu'on multiplie bigger devient twice as big, three times as big).

Réponse : Correction/Phrases 2 de aurelienworks, postée le 19-03-2019 à 16:48:10 (S | E)
16- I sued my housekeeper my housekeeper

17- He works overtime, he works respectfully and he takes few paid leaves.

18- The plan was to cut the CEO down !

19- She breastfeeds his baby.

20- He's convincing, and good thing it is ! Because this job is demanding, as well as the boss.

21- I approve the scope (dans le sens de périmètre défini par le maire) defined by the mayor.

22- He claims that he only did unsuccessful efforts.

23- He applied but a boss's friend was named.

24- He staged three performances including a play

25- He has found the lie out and his life has lost its balance.

26- There were parcels here and there. He didn't even to verify (infinitif:!!) who it belongs to.

27- The dog has a painful paw, it is barking, it is complaining

28- The mermaid was on the plank, she fell and the hook hurt her shoulder.

29- He has a bullet lodged in his leg

30- The local council has bought a site three times as big.

Réponse : Correction/Phrases 2 de gerondif, postée le 19-03-2019 à 16:58:22 (S | E)
16- I sued my housekeeper.

17- He works overtime, he works respectfully and he takes few paid leaves.

18- The plan was to cut the CEO down !

19- She breastfeeds his baby.(elle a donc le sein hospitalier et nourrit au sein son bébé à lui qui n'est pas à elle)

20- He's convincing, and a good thing it is ! Because this job is demanding, as well as the boss.this jos is as demanding as the boss is)

21- I approve the scope (dans le sens de périmètre défini par le maire) defined by the mayor.

22- He claims that he only did unsuccessful efforts.

23- He applied but a boss's friend was named.

24- He staged three performances including a play

25- He has found the lie out and his life has lost its balance.

26- There were parcels here and there. He didn't even to verify (infinitif:!! ok, base verbale infinitif sans to derrière did ou didn't)) who it belongs(prétérit pour la concordance) to.

27- The dog has a painful paw, it is barking, it is complaining

28- The mermaid was on the plank, she fell and the hook hurt her shoulder.

29- He has a bullet lodged in his leg

30- The local council has bought a site three times as big.

Réponse : Correction/Phrases 2 de aurelienworks, postée le 19-03-2019 à 18:44:03 (S | E)
19- Her , of course !

Thank you very much


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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