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Notion/ idea of progress

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Notion/ idea of progress
Message de mama165 posté le 19-04-2019 à 11:26:56 (S | E | F)
Voici ma notion d'anglais,
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger les erreurs et à diminuer le texte s'il vous plaît ?(en supprimant ce qui semble inutiles), car mon oral doit durer 5 minutes
Par avance, merci pour votre aide

I am going to talk about the notion « the idea of progress ». First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : It is an improvement, a change or a development wich aims at making a beter place. Progress can be : technical with internet..., scientific or social. In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about how Artificial Intelligence can improve our lives. Then secondly, we will talk about the threat that this can represent.
I will attempt to answer a question : How can artificial intelligence change the future of humanity? To answer this question I will present three documents : First of all, a text called "artificial intelligence is a tool that humans can control and direct" which shows Mustafa Suleyman's opinion. Then the trailer of the Humanoid series and finally an interview with Elon Musk called "why is AI scary?"

I will start by giving a definition of artificial intelligence : AI is an intelligence for computers, it's something created to think like humans, but it requires programmes.

I- Artificial intelligence could help us in our daily lives and build a better world.
Indeed, Man makes new discoveries every day and artificial intelligence is constantly developing and becoming more and more efficient. This could solve a lot of problems and change the world radically. In any case, that's what Mustafa Suleyman stands for, he's the co-founder and head of applied artificial intelligence at DeepMind.

According to the text published by The Guardian, he is confident about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence could solve many problems: "access clean water, financial inequality and stock market". He thinks there is no danger because humans can control AI.

Artificial intelligence could also help humans in everyday life and help them. Indeed, this is what Elon Musk mentions during an interview: he says that robots will be able to walk, talk and behave like a real person. Robots will therefore be able to create social links with humans. All this is obvious. But during his interview he also introduces the threat that AI can represent.

II- On the other hand, artificial intelligence can be a danger to humanity and bring it to an end.
Artificial intelligence occupies a lot of space in our lives and will have a growing place in the future. But one may wonder if artificial intelligence is really safe and what will happen when it overtakes man in terms of intelligence, or when it is led by a bad person. In his interview Elon musk also mentioned what is not obvious and which represents a threat to him: the huge server bank, in a dark vault somewhere with a potentially much greater intelligence than a human mind can do. It indicates that AI has eyes and ears everywhere: in cameras, microphones etc... It is therefore a danger not to be overlooked because if this intelligence knows our less done and gestures and has a greater storage capacity than our brain then it could be superior to us, and destroy the human being.

Indeed, one may wonder what will happen the day when robots will have a free will. The Humans series offers a partial answer to this question. The series takes place in an alternative present where technology has made it possible to create synthetics. Domestic robots that obey humans. While some people adopt this new technology, others are afraid and fearful of what could happen when humans are gradually replaced as workers, companions, parents and even lovers... Conscientious robots act independently, charting their own path in life, and for some seeking the means to dominate humans.
This series then shows us the hidden face of artificial intelligence and not everything is positive for mankind

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2019 11:40

Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de laure95, postée le 19-04-2019 à 11:49:23 (S | E)
- to talk about how Artificial Intelligence (enlever la fin de la phrase ainsi que la phrase suivante) can improve our lives. Then secondly, we will talk about the threat that this can represent.
- To answer this question I will present three documents : First of all, a text called "artificial intelligence is a tool that humans can control and direct" (which shows Mustafa Suleyman's opinion: à enlever).

I will start by giving a definition of artificial intelligence : AI is an intelligence for computers, it's something created to think like humans, but it requires programmes: à dire comme début de ta partie I.

I- Artificial intelligence could help us in our daily lives (and build a better world: à enlever).

- Indeed, Man makes (present en be+ing)new discoveries every day
This could solve a lot of problems and change the world radically: enlever cette phrase car tu en parles avec le document.

Artificial intelligence could also help humans in (possessif)everyday life(pluriel) and help them (à enlever).
- All this is obvious: à enlever.

II- On the other hand, artificial intelligence can be a danger to humanity and bring it to an end.

In his interview Elon musk also mentioned (présent)what is not obvious
It is therefore a danger (not to be overlooked: à enlever)

Indeed, one may wonder what will happen the day when robots will (enlever will)have a free will.
Domestic robots that (enlever that)obey humans.
when humans are gradually replaced (as workers, companions, parents and even lovers...: à enlever)
Conscientious robots act independently,( charting their own path in life, and for some seeking the means to dominate humans: à enlever)


Réponse : Notion/ idea of progress de mama165, postée le 19-04-2019 à 18:53:53 (S | E)
Je vais ajouter une conclusion à la notion.

Merci beaucoup d'avoir été aussi réactive!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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