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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de onmplremi posté le 10-05-2019 à 19:42:32 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon oral d'anglais le mardi 14 mai et voici ma notion "Spaces and exchanges ». Pourriez-vous me corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plait?
Elle est toute rédigée car ça me rassure d'avoir une notion bien écrite mais je ne pense pas pouvoir apprendre mes 8 notions par coeur et je ne pense pas que ce soit judicieux non plus. Cependant, j'aimerais savoir si mon oral est intelligible et si mes tournures de phrase sont correctes pour que je puisse les utiliser le jour J.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos retours et si jamais vous seriez étiez partant pour lire mes autres notions d'anglais (ou d'espagnol) ça m'aiderait beaucoup.
Mercii !

​The notion I’m going to deal with is « Space and exchanges ». First of all, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. A space can be a room, a town or even a country. An exchange is the act of giving and receiving something in return: it implies movement, of people or goods like trade or migrations. Thus, to illustrate the notion, we’ll study Latino immigration to the US, the place is the border area. The question is: what difficulties do migrants face?

Document 1:
​We’ve studied an extract from a novel written by James Michener that talks about Mexicans who have been gathered together by smugglers and are about to cross the border. They have to rely on smugglers because they are undocumented. The migrants get into a truck to cross the border.
​BUT, one of the smugglers made the engine break down and pretended that he had to repair the truck in order to get rid of the Mexicans. Indeed, the engine worked nicely and the two smugglers revved the motor and took off across the desert. Smugglers are often greedy, with no scruples about breaking the deal they made. They are driven by money and greed of gain. They are pitiless and indifferent to their plight (misery).
​The migrants are stranded in the desert. Their dream of a better life turns into a nightmare. The text focuses on the tragic fates of the migrants, betrayed by the smugglers and also by the US: the country fails to keep its promise of a better life: the author questions the myth of the US as a land of opportunity. The border is described as a hell, a place where human values are ignored, where cynicism and materialism take the upper hand.

Document 2:
​An extract from an article written by the American journalist Philip Elliott. He talks about Mazie Hirono, a Senator from Hawaii. She was born in Japan and she is a Buddhist: so an immigrant herself. She explains that migrants leave everything behind them, they move to the US in search of better living conditions.
​She’s very critical of President Trump’s immigration policy, she disapproves of it: she objects to him closing the border. She blames him for his anti-immigration stance whereas the US is a land of groups of immigrants. He’s xenophobic and nationalistic but his wife is an immigrant herself, she came from abroad!
​Mazie Hirono EMBODIES the American dream, she has made the AD come true BUT migrants have to face a racist government.

Document 3:
​A cartoon that represents migrants working, it wants to denounce their working conditions. There are 6 squares where we can see 6 persons doing different jobs: scrubbing the floor, doing the dishes, picking fruit, cutting up meat, clipping a hedge and the sixth person is a sheriff, visited by Uncle Sam, the symbol of American values, wanting to halt Arizona’s immigration law, the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure passed in the United States.
​They’re working at night, in a slaughterhouse or in the blazing sun. The cartoon says “I’m just doing the job that you won’t do”: bosses employ immigrants to do the job Americans don’t want to do, exhausting and backbreaking jobs. This document highlights another difficulty faced by migrants: being exploited, underpaid, and having no rights.

​Therefore, we can say that immigrants have to face many difficulties: a very dangerous journey, a racist government that discriminates them and hard and even exhausting jobs. So, the exchanges that take place along the border are always complicated and often tragic. Yet, underprivileged Latinos stay drawn to the US.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2019 22:35

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 11-05-2019 à 08:24:32 (S | E)
Encore un texte clair de fort bonne qualité.
​We’ve studied an extract from a novel written by James Michener that talks about Mexicans who have been gathered together by smugglers and are about to cross the border.
Un article ne cause pas, j'aurais mis is about ou deals with.

​Idem pour He talks about Mazie Hirono, un journaliste qui cause... His article IS about, he describes...

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de onmplremi, postée le 11-05-2019 à 12:26:51 (S | E)
Je vous remercie pour votre aide


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