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The missing vowels/315

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The missing vowels/315
Message de marit64 posté le 25-09-2019 à 23:36:27 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, all the numbers of vowels are given.

1- A kind of rock. ..... (m t s l n) 4

2- A stupid or clumsy person. ..... (f) 2

3- To wander; to roam. ..... (r v) 2

4- A man who belongs to a tribe. ..... (b n t s m r) 3

5- (Of a wind, breeze etc) coming from the west. ..... (t w s r l) 3

6- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ..... (d g) 2

7- To tremble from fear, disgust, cold etc. ..... (d d h r s) 2

8- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2

9- To live in a place. ..... (w l d l) 1

10- Saying exactly what one thinks. ..... (k t s n p) 4

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/315 de flowermusic, postée le 26-09-2019 à 00:04:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- A kind of rock. ..... (m t s l n) 4 limestone

2- A stupid or clumsy person. ..... (f) 2 oaf

3- To wander; to roam. ..... (r v) 2 veer

4- A man who belongs to a tribe. ..... (b n t s m r) 3 tribesman

5- (Of a wind, breeze etc) coming from the west. ..... (t w s r l) 3 westerly

6- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ..... (d g) 2 goad

7- To tremble from fear, disgust, cold etc. ..... (d d h r s) 2 shudder

8- Anything of very little value. ..... (f t l r) 2 trifle

9- To live in a place. ..... (w l d l) 1 dwell

10- Saying exactly what one thinks. ..... (k t s n p) 4 outspoken

Have a sweet sweet week

Aurais-je réussi à être première ?
Apparemment mais je salue toute la fine équipe qui ne va pas tarder

Réponse : The missing vowels/315 de daisy50, postée le 26-09-2019 à 05:19:40 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- A kind of rock. ... LIMESTONE

2- A stupid or clumsy person. ..... OAF

3- To wander; to roam. .... ROVE

4- A man who belongs to a tribe. .... TRIBESMAN

5- (Of a wind, breeze etc) coming from the west. ..... WESTERLY

6- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. .... GOAD

7- To tremble from fear, disgust, cold etc. ..... SHUDDER

8- Anything of very little value. ..... TRIFLE

9- To live in a place. ..... DWELL

10- Saying exactly what one thinks. .... OUTSPOKEN

Thanks Marit for this exercise, not always easy to find!

Coucou Flower, très courageuse hier soir! Un petit coucou à Swan, Chocolatcitron et peut-être à bien d'autres qui voudront bien
renforcer notre petit comité.

Réponse : The missing vowels/315 de chocolatcitron, postée le 26-09-2019 à 21:50:06 (S | E)
The missing vowels/315
Message de marit64 posté le 25-09-2019 à 23:36:27 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks for this new race : such a pleasant exercise !
Hello Everybody! 😊

Here is my work :
1- A kind of rock. (m t s l n) 4 limestone = calcaire.
2- A stupid or clumsy person. (f) 2 oaf = lourdaud, balourd, dadais, nigaud.
3- To wander; to roam. (r v) 2 rove = errer, vagabonder.
4- A man who belongs to a tribe. (b n t s m r) 3 tribesman = homme, membre de la tribu.
5- (Of a wind, breeze etc) coming from the west. (t w s r l) 3 westerly = occidental.
6- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. (d g) 2 goad = provoquer, pousser qqn à faire qqch.
7- To tremble from fear, disgust, cold etc. (d d h r s) 2 shudder = trembler, frémir.
8- Anything of very little value. (f t l r) 2 trifle = pacotille, rien.
9- To live in a place. (w l d l) 1 dwell = résider, habiter, demeurer.
10- Saying exactly what one thinks. (k t s n p) 4 outspoken = franc, spontané.

Oui, Flowermusic, tu as réussi à inaugurer ce jeu : you are THE winner ! , Daisy t’a suivi de près : me voici… et nous attendons Swan à qui je souhaite bonne chance ! Belle semaine à vous toutes, et bienvenue aux nouveaux qui voudraient tenter la balade à la recherche des mots aux voyelles perdues dans les pages des dictionnaires... ce n’est pas si complexe à résoudre… ! 😊
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/315 de swan85, postée le 02-10-2019 à 13:52:43 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hello Flowermusic, Daisy, Chocolatcitron.

Here I am, In extremis.

1- A kind of rock. (m t s l n) 4 LIMESTONE
2- A stupid or clumsy person. (f) 2 OAF
3- To wander; to roam. (r v) 2 to ROVE
4- A man who belongs to a tribe. (b n t s m r) 3 TRIBESMAN
5- (Of a wind, breeze etc) coming from the west. (t w s r l) 3 WESTERLY
6- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. (d g) 2 to GOAD
7- To tremble from fear, disgust, cold etc. (d d h r s) 2 to SHUDDER
8- Anything of very little value. (f t l r) 2 TRIFLE
9- To live in a place. (w l d l) 1 To DWELL
10- Saying exactly what one thinks. (k t s n p) 4 OUTSPOKEN

Have a nice week
See you.


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