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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Idée de progrès/aide
Message de leam971 posté le 24-02-2020 à 15:19:16 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous me corrigez sur mes fautes et dites moi me dire ce que vous en pensez.
Merci à vous par avance.

I am going to talk about the idea of progress.
First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: Progress is an everything man has discovered, invented, created which contributes to making people’s life easier, more confortable, longer.
Now, I propose we look at to two questions : « Is progress always positive ? »
« Is it possible to live without technology ? »
To illustrate this notion, I have chosen three documents.

I. On the one hand, I think that progress is positive for society; it allows society to evolve. History is made of progress and evolution that have allowed the world to be what it is today. Thanks to the progress of video games, they have become much more real. For example, in an article in Asapscience, "Can video games be good for you?" , MMORGs is an online role-playing game that allows players to make online friends around the world. But also, to be more attentive and receive an education. Video games are relaxing. Robotics, science, technology and biology are making progress. Wonderful inventions are due to advances such as the Internet or the development of robots.

II. On the other hand,But progress has negative effects. In the document, "This is progress" we notice that 15 years before, he had friends, he went out and he was fulfilled in these activities like watching a movie, contacting friends, reading a newspaper, listening to music, working. So today, with all the technologies. He stays in front of his computer screen, with his helmet. While doing, these activities. So this character went into isolation.

III. Finally, there are people who reject the idea of progress by living in the past. For example: The Amish are happier without technology and they find that the population using technology is individualistic and materialistic.

To conclude,I think progress have really help people by improving their life ; for example medecine progress or technological progress. It's difficult to imagine our life today without computer sciences. we can't live without a minimum of technology but we do not have to be dependent. Technology is there and makes something easier doesn't mean we should rely on it so much that we can't think for ourselves.
And this is the problem of my generation, because we were born with technology so we are dependent on it and we don't think without technology.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-02-2020 19:44

Réponse : Idée de progrès/aide de laure95, postée le 25-02-2020 à 18:37:54 (S | E)
- Progress is an everything: ?
- Now, I propose we look at to (choisir entr to et at)two questions

I. progress is positive for (our)society;
- it allows (article)society to evolve.
- and (article)evolution that

II. On the other hand,But (déplacer but) progress has negative effects.
- In the document, "This is progress" we (can)notice that 15 years before, he (qui est he?)had friends,
- hSo today, with all the technologies. (pas de point)He stays in front of his computer screen, with his helmet.(pas de point) While doing,(pas de virgule) these activities.

III. document?

progress have really help (faute de conjugaison)people by improving their life (mettre au pluriel);
- without (article) computer sciences (singulier).
- we can't live without a minimum of technology but we do not have to be dépendent (on it).
- Technology is there (present pas there)and makes something (vague)easier doesn't mean we should rely on


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