The injured bird/aide
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Message de pitou posté le 09-02-2023 à 15:26:38 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous
J'ai essayéd'interpréter de traduire mon paragraphe du français à l' anglais et j'espère d'accepter de que vous voudrez bien le corriger.
Merci mille fois d'avance.
The injured bird
That morning it was cool, I took my bike
and I went to the lake, but along the way I remembered that I forgot the basket of my meal, so I returned to take it.
On the way back, I saw an injured bird.
By taking it in my hands I discovered that it suffered from a fracture on the right wing.
I decided to take care of it untel it woul be heald.
Passez une bonne après-midi.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-02-2023 22:30
gris + ponctuation
Message de pitou posté le 09-02-2023 à 15:26:38 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous
J'ai essayé
Merci mille fois d'avance.
The injured bird
That morning it was cool, I took my bike
and I went to the lake, but along the way I remembered that I forgot the basket of my meal, so I returned to take it.
On the way back, I saw an injured bird.
By taking it in my hands I discovered that it suffered from a fracture on the right wing.
I decided to take care of it untel it woul be heald.
Passez une bonne après-midi.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-02-2023 22:30
gris + ponctuation
Réponse : The injured bird/aide de gerondif, postée le 09-02-2023 à 15:59:27 (S | E)
J'ai essayé
Merci mille fois d'avance
The injured bird
That morning it was cool, I took my bike (cool est agréable, the weather was nice and cool, it was chilly si on frissonne en sortant.)
and I went to the lake, but along the way I remembered that I had forgotten(antériorité) the basket of my meal my lunchbox, so I returned (I rode back home) to take it.
On the way back, I saw an injured bird.
By( by indiquerait un moyen , un outil, là, c'est une simultanéité, donc soit "taking it", soit "when taking it", soit "on taking it" taking it in my hands I discovered that it suffered from a fracture on the right wing.
(pour voir les sens divers de at, in on, by, when, while +ing, allez voir ce que j'en ai dit à "the writer" le 02 février:)
Lien internet
I decided to take care of it until it
Réponse : The injured bird/aide de amalia80, postée le 09-02-2023 à 17:36:16 (S | E)
Hello, Pitou
Je suis contente de te revoir. Voici quelques conseils
The injured bird
That morning it was cool, so I took my bike
and I went to the lake, but along the way I remembered that I had forgotten my lunch basket , so I went back to take it.
On the way back, I saw an injured bird. si tu veux éviter la répetition tu peux dire a wounded bird
When I took it in my hands I discovered that it suffered from a fracture on the right wing.
I decided to take care of it until it was healed.
Bonne fin de journée Pitou.!
Réponse : The injured bird/aide de pitou, postée le 09-02-2023 à 20:52:03 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous
Mon texte est corrigé, je vous remercie
De tout mon coeur gerondif et amalia de m'avoir donné aide.
The injured bird
That morning it was chilly, I took my bike and I went to the lake, but along the way I remembered that I had fogotten my lunch basket, so I rode back home to take it.
On the way back, I saw an injured bird. On taking it in my hands I discovered that it sufferd from a fracture on the right wing. I decided to take care of it until it was healed.
Passez une bonne soirée
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