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How to complain!? (1)

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How to complain!?
Message de ahd123 posté le 25-07-2007 à 15:24:49 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everyone!
I need some information about how I can me complain about something to my boss.
Could you give me some ideas, please?
Thanks a lot.
Modifié par mp27 le 25-07-2007 16:55

Réponse: How to complain!? de mp27, postée le 25-07-2007 à 17:28:49 (S | E)
Hello ahd123!

Unfortunately, we don't know what you are complaining about!!!
However, here are just a few ideas.

---> I have noticed (.....) and I don't think it's fair / I don't think it's very efficient.
Would it be possible to do things differently? / Would you consider...? / Would you accept...?

---> I'd like to tell you it's become impossible to ......., because of the lack of ....... / because nobody is helping me....
Could you do something about it, please? (careful about the way you say that!)
It would be very helpful if you could do..... or...., please.

---> I can assure you I've done my best, but it seems as if you don't appreciate the number of hours it took me to do such a tricky job! I feel a bit concerned....

---> I wouldn't like to complain about anything, but I think we all need a better chair... otherwise, we'll all have back problems!

---> Sorry, I'm worried because I've been given too much work to do in just a few hours!
Could you please give me a bit more time? / Could you please postpone the deadline?

Whatever you say, be polite and don't lose your temper!
Hope it helps!

Réponse: How to complain!? de chrislondon, postée le 25-07-2007 à 17:32:51 (S | E)
It depends what you want to complain about.
You could start by saying:
Mr./Mrs. xxxx, could I have a word with you about.....?
Then you could continue with:
I'm a little worried about/concerned about....
Be careful with your tone. Keep it calm and friendly and I'm sure that you will solve your problem.
I hope this helps you.

Réponse: How to complain!? de nick27, postée le 25-07-2007 à 18:20:52 (S | E)
In any case, don't mix up "to complain about something" and "to complain of a pain".

To complain about : to tell someone you don't like something or you'd like a situation to change.

To complain of : to tell someone that a part of your body hurts.

It's a common mistake so be careful


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