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Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'. (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'.
Message de marit64 posté le 26-09-2007 à 22:46:38 (S | E | F | I)

Find the words beginning with the letter "M".

1-A kind of wind that blows in Southern Asia, from the south-west in summer, from the northeast in winter. .............
2-It's a power of attraction. .............
3-A contagious disease causing painful swelling at the sides of the neck and face. ............
4-The middle of the distance or time between two points; halfway. ............
5-What do you call an imaginary sea creature with a human body down to the waist and a fish's tail? .............
6-This word means the long hair on the back of the neck of a horse, lion etc. ............
7-A type of small flowerless plant, found in damp places forming a soft green covering on tree trunks. ..............
8-A synonym of "wonderful". .............
9-What do you call the liquid metal used especially in thermometers? .............
1-It's a small many-legged creature with a long round body. .............

Good luck and have fun.
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
Enjoy your week.
So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'. de ariane6, postée le 26-09-2007 à 23:26:45 (S | E)
Hello Marit!
My answers are:
1. Monsoon
2. Magnetism
3. Mumps
4. Mid-distance
5. Mermaid
6. Mane
7. Moss
8. Marvellous
9. Mercury
10. Millipede

Thank you Marit!
See you soon!

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'. de good_doggy, postée le 27-09-2007 à 15:21:52 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Monsoon
2 Magnetism, magnet
3 Mumps
4 Midway
5 Mermaid
6 Mane
7 Moss
8 Marvellous (Brit, Cdn), marvelous (US)
9 Mercury
10 Millepede

Thanks a lot Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'. de coferam, postée le 27-09-2007 à 16:04:17 (S | E)
Hello Marit64,

1 / Monsoon
2 / Magnetism
3 / Mumps
4 / Mean, Mid, Medial
5 / Mermaid
6 / Mane
7 / Moss
8 / Magnificent, Marvelous, Miraculous.
9 / Mercury.
10 /Millipede

Thank you and nice weekend.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'. de chrislondon, postée le 30-09-2007 à 21:21:00 (S | E)
Hi Marit. Here are my answers:
1. monsoon
2. magnet
3. mumps
4. midway
5. mermaid
6. mane
7. moss
8. marvellous
9. mercury
10. millepede
Thank you.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 6'. de marit64, postée le 03-10-2007 à 21:27:20 (S | E)
Hi everybody

for your hard work. You deserved to be applauded.
Here are the answers:
1-monsoon "mousson" 2-magnetism "magnétisme" 3-mumps "oreillons"
4-midway or mid-distance "à mi-chemin" 5-mermaid "sirène"
6-mane "crinière" 7-moss "mousse" 8-marvellous(B) or marvelous(A) "merveilleux" 9-mercury "mercure" 10-millipede "mille-pattes".

Thanks a lot for your participation.


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