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Wish and hope (1)

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Wish and hope
Message de mathy11 posté le 06-07-2008 à 17:11:09

Hello everybody,
well;i can't find the difference between wish and hope .I know the tense of the verb used after them is different.
so, could you explain that for me?

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-07-2008 17:40

Modifié par bridg le 27-11-2008 19:28

Réponse: Wish and hope de mathy11, postée le 06-07-2008 à 17:15:00
sorry , but whish in the title is without "h"

Réponse: Wish and hope de micka, postée le 06-07-2008 à 17:15:11

Here are some interesting links dealing with your question:
Lien Internet



Modifié par lucile83 le 06-07-2008 17:42
and some more :
Lien Internet

Réponse: Wish and hope de mathy11, postée le 08-07-2008 à 17:30:11

Réponse: Wish and hope de trainer, postée le 21-07-2008 à 06:08:17
I HOPE someday my WISH will come true.

Réponse: Wish and hope de samsarasam, postée le 23-07-2008 à 17:32:23
Hello everybody!
So, we use "hope" to talk about what is real, likely, or possible. We use "wish" to talk about what is unreal, unlikely, or impossible.
That's what I am understand...
See you soon.

Réponse: Wish and hope de nancie, postée le 23-07-2008 à 19:44:59
Hope : espoir
Wish : voeux, souhait

Réponse: Wish and hope de cecilward, postée le 20-10-2008 à 16:39:57
A few examples might help. Examples marked (*) are ungrammatical or semantically bizarre.

I hope this plane doesn't crash.
*I wish this plane won't/doesn't crash.

I wish she would kiss me.
I hope she kisses me.

I wish I had learned to play the piano.
*I hope I had learned to play the piano.

I hope (that) this planet has a breathable atmosphere. (before opening the spacecraft door)
I wish this planet had a breathable atmosphere. (after opening the door)

I wish (that) I had checked that this planet had a breathable atmosphere before I opened the door just then.

*I wish this planet has a breathable atmosphere.

I wish to get married.
I want to get married.
I hope to get married.

I hope she loves me, because I've bought her a ring and I'm going to look a fool tonight in front of everyone if I'm wrong.

*I wish she loves me...

I hoped that she loved me. I wish that I had taken the time to find out if she really did, because I gave her a ring in front of everyone and then she said "no".

I wish I had a Ferrari. (I don't.)
*I hope I had a Ferrari.
I wanted to get a Ferrari, so I finally did/so I bought one.
I wanted a Ferrari, so I got one.
I always wished I had a Ferrari, so I bought one.

I wanted to get a Ferrari, but I had no money.
I wanted a Ferrari, but I had no money.
I always wished I had a Ferrari, but I had no money.

When the police were chasing me, at that point I wished that I had a Ferrari.

*I hope I had a Ferrari.
*I hoped to get a Ferrari, so I finally bought one.
I hoped to get a Ferrari, but I never had enough money.
I hoped to win a Ferrari in a competition, but I only won a set of spoons.

*I hoped a ferrari

I was hoping for an end to the war.
I was hoping that the war would end by the end of the year.

I hope you liked the movie darling? (at the end of the movie)
?I wish you liked the movie darling? (at the end of the movie)
I wish you liked olives.

I wish we had never come. I know that it was a cheap holiday, but why did we ever choose Afghanistan?

I hope you didn't forget to bring your spacesuit. You know there's no atmosphere on this planet?

I really wish (that) you had remembered to bring your spacesuit. You know there's no atmosphere on this planet!

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