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Lettre famille d'accueil

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Lettre famille d'accueil
Message de moi26 posté le 30-09-2009 à 18:34:22 (S | E | F)

une famille est intéressée par mon profil j'écris donc une lettre pour me présenter ...
pouvez-vous m'aider et surtout la corriger svp !!!!

Good afternoon,

I try to do writing in English so I'm sorry for the mistake in this text.

My name is Isabelle. I have 20 years old (in October). I have brown eyes and brown hair. I have 2 brothers ( Christophe 33 years old, and Joël 29 years old) and 1 sister (31 years old).
My father is an farmer, and my mother haven't works.
I am friendly, sociable, funny.

I live in The East of France, in a little village "vers" Grenoble.
I love to walk, to read, to play with children, ...
I like to discover the English's population, English culture and improve my english skill.

I have child minder. There are 1 girl Lou 5 years old and twin brother 3 years old during one month and several baby sitting in week end.
I have four nephew. Very often I'm a baby minder.

merci d'avance pour votre aide
Modifié par bridg le 30-09-2009 18:47

Réponse: Lettre famille d'accueil de dolfin56, postée le 30-09-2009 à 19:00:28 (S | E)

Good afternoon,

I try to do writing mal dit in English so I'm sorry for the mistake s !in this text.

My name is Isabelle. I have mauvais verbe:to be20 years old (in October). I have brown eyes and brown hair. I have 2 brothers ( Christophe 33 years old, and Joël 29 years old) and 1 sister (31 years old).
My father is an pourquoi an, "a" suffit farmer, and my mother haven't works. mal dit:to do,négatif. et work au sing.
I am friendly, sociable, funny.

I live in The East of France, in a little village "vers" near; close to Grenoble.
I love to walk, to read, to play I love + participe présentwith children, ...
I like to discover idemthe English's population, English culture and improve my english skill.

I have child minder. verbe "to be" There are 1 girl Lou 5 years old and twin brothers 3 years old during one month and several baby sitting in week end.
I have four nephews. Very often I'm a baby minder

maybe it'd be better to write the numbers with letters?'s up to you.

Réponse: Lettre famille d'accueil de moi26, postée le 30-09-2009 à 19:20:47 (S | E)
merci de ta réponse
euh .... juste un truc je suis nuuuuuuuuuul en anglais et le participe présent en anglais ça donne quoi ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-09-2009 19:36
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