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Scrambled words '96'

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Scrambled words '96'
Message de marit64 posté le 12-01-2011 à 22:48:07 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... (mycnhei)
2- Any day except a Saturday or Sunday. ..... (kyedwae)
3- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... (guh)
4- Cruel or harsh. ..... (kudnni)
5- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... (wtti)
6- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... (esnlpe)
7- A large (luxurious) house. ..... (nnsmoai)
8- A sudden fear. ..... (hrtgfi)
9- A synonym of "to jump". ..... (alpe)
10- To recognize as being a certain person. ..... (tdynfiei)

Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de headway, postée le 13-01-2011 à 08:26:03 (S | E)
Hi there,

1- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. .....Chimney.
2- Any day except a Saturday or Sunday. ..... Weekday.
3- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... Hug.
4- Cruel or harsh. ..... Unkind.
5- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... Witt.
6- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... Spleen.
7- A large (luxurious) house. ..... Mansion.
8- A sudden fear. ..... Fright.
9- A synonym of "to jump". .....To Leap.
10- To recognize as being a certain person. .....Identify.

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de dolfine56, postée le 13-01-2011 à 09:52:53 (S | E)
Hi,dear marit,
here is my try:

1- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... (mycnhei)a chimney
2- Any day except a Saturday or Sunday. ..... (kyedwae)a weekday
3- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... (guh)to hug
4- Cruel or harsh. ..... (kudnni)unkind
5- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... (wtti)twit
6- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... (esnlpe)spleen
7- A large (luxurious) house. ..... (nnsmoai)a mansion
8- A sudden fear. ..... (hrtgfi)a fright
9- A synonym of "to jump". ..... (alpe)to leap
10- To recognize as being a certain person. ..... (tdynfiei)to identify

thanks for this one ;have a nice week..

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de alphonse46, postée le 13-01-2011 à 10:08:27 (S | E)

1- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. .....Chimney.
2- Any day except a Saturday or Sunday. ..... Weekday.
3- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... Hug.
4- Cruel or harsh. ..... Unkind.
5- A synonym of 'fool or idiot'. ..... Twit.
6- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... Spleen.
7- A large (luxurious) house. ..... Mansion.
8- A sudden fear. ..... Fright.
9- A synonym of 'to jump'. ..... Leap.
10- To recognize as being a certain person. .....Identify.

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de eos17, postée le 13-01-2011 à 11:21:51 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Here my words
3-To hug
9-To leap
10-To identify
Thanks for your correction and have a nice week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de elisa21, postée le 13-01-2011 à 17:26:42 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. chimney(mycnhei)
2- Any day except a Saturday or Sunday. weekday
3- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. hug
4- Cruel or harsh. unkind
5- A synonym of "fool or idiot". twit
6- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. spleen
7- A large (luxurious) house. mansion
8- A sudden fear. fright
9- A synonym of "to jump". leap
10- To recognize as being a certain person. identify

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de violet91, postée le 13-01-2011 à 17:28:20 (S | E)
Hello dear marit from ChaChaCha-oui OuiOui!-!-ni Nini(la souris)-gang !

Lien Internet

1- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. .....Chimney.Has Santa Claus gone down yours, marit ?
2- Any day except a Saturday or Sunday. ..... Weekday " Camarades travailleurs/lleuses ! " Jour o(e)uvré ,marit!
3- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... To hug. Big hugs and happy new year, again,dear!
4- Cruel or harsh. ....Unkind .Who would think of anyone like that, on this site ?!! Gimme a name !
5- A synonym of "fool or idiot". ..... Twit. (there are some ,aren't there ?)
Lien Internet

6- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ...Ah ! Oh! " Spleen" Some French poetry, marit.Lien Internet

7- A large (luxurious) house. ..... Mansion.Like London's Lord Mayor's .Lien Internet

8- A sudden fear. ..... Fright..I'll give you one, marit."Here comes the tarantula!"[ Edgar Poe " The goldbug"]
Lien Internet

9- A synonym of "to jump". ..... Leap. Like the friendly dog onto his master .(still in "The goldbug").
10- To recognize as being a certain person. .....Identify . This doesn't look like Professor Violet ( Plum ),does it ?

Car "une soupe sans sel,c'est comme un homme sans poils" paraît-il"!!

Thank you ever som much . I just had fun as usual !!

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de nina80, postée le 13-01-2011 à 18:25:31 (S | E)
Dear Marit,

1 - chimney
2 - weekday
3 - to hug
4 - unkind
5 - twit
6 - spleen
7 - mansion
8 - fright
9 - to leap
10- to identify

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de swan85, postée le 13-01-2011 à 20:31:20 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1/ A chimney
2/ Weekday
3/ To hug
4/ Unkind
5/ Twit
6/ The spleen
7/ A mansion
8/ Fright
9/ to leap
10/ To identify

Thanks a lot
See you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '96' de marit64, postée le 19-01-2011 à 22:46:59 (S | E)
My dear nina!

I really hope that nothing bad happened to you because I'm not able to send you a message.

I'm concern about you...

Take care,


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