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Use/ prepositional pronoun

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Use/ prepositional pronoun
Message from san99 posted on 07-06-2012 at 20:04:55 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please?
I am good at relative pronouns, but I feel confused when I use prepositional pronouns. So I am writing a few sentences below and I would appreciate if you could check them and correct me if I am wrong at any point.

1.The promise by which we were tired had been broken so badly
2.The recipe by which this food is cooked is not much common.
3.The boat on which we were sailed had a hole in it.
4.The letter to which/in which he wrote the reason of his absence was torn off.
5.This is the book in which he left his signature in a bold blue color.
6.The bedsheet on which the tea spilled last night is not in the laundry.
7.This is inscription in which he clearly depicted the four reasons of feeling lonely.
8.This table on which he left a message for me was dusty.
9.This is the guy for which she scarified her entire life.
10.The robe with which I tied myself on the cliff broken off due to high pressure and weight.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-06-2012 20:53
Layout,colour,title and numbers of the sentences.

Re: Use/ prepositional pronoun from notrepere, posted on 07-06-2012 at 22:36:51 (D | E)

1.The promise by which we were tired (tied?) had been broken so badly.
2.The recipe by which this food is cooked is not much common. (not correct)
3.The boat on which we were sailed had a hole in it.
4.The letter to which/in which he wrote the reason of his absence was torn off.
5.This is the book in which he left his signature in a bold blue color.
6.The bedsheet on which the tea spilled last night is not in the laundry.
7.This is the inscription in which he clearly depicted the four reasons of feeling lonely.
8.This table on which he left a message for me was dusty.
9.This is the guy for which she scarified(spelling) her entire life.
10.The robe with which I tied myself on the cliff broken off due to high pressure and weight.

Re: Use/ prepositional pronoun from a_limon, posted on 08-06-2012 at 14:26:48 (D | E)
Could you tell me what this sentence means please? I can't get the sense of it.
"The robe with which I tied myself on the cliff broken off due to high pressure and weight."
(What does "robe" mean? And where is the verb "is" here("is broken")?

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2012 17:42

Re: Use/ prepositional pronoun from sherry48, posted on 08-06-2012 at 14:52:27 (D | E)
It's a typing error. It should be rope. The correction shows that it isn't broken, but broke. Sherry

Edited by sherry48 on 08-06-2012 14:53

Re: Use/ prepositional pronoun from san99, posted on 08-06-2012 at 15:47:07 (D | E)
Yes, I wrote those sentences in a hurry.
Here are the correct sentences, please let me know if there are still mistakes

1.The promise by which we were tied had been broken so badly.
2.The recipe by which he cooked the meat was very interesting.
3.The boat on which we were sailed had a hole in it.
4.The letter in which he wrote the reason of his absence was torn off.
5.This is the book in which he left his signature in a bold blue color.
6.The bedsheet on which the tea spilled last night is not in the laundry.
7.This is the inscription in which he clearly depicted the four reasons of feeling lonely.
8.This table on which he left a message for me was dusty.
9.This is the guy with whom she played tennis last night.
10.The rope with which I tied myself on the cliff broke off due to high pressure and weight.

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2012 18:24

Re: Use/ prepositional pronoun from san99, posted on 09-06-2012 at 16:53:39 (D | E)
Yes, it was a typo error to write robe, it should be rope. Thank you all for helping me understand the use of prepositional pronoun better.
Thank you

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