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CV / aide
Message de ahoy posté le 23-03-2013 à 15:29:04 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je viens de rédiger mon cv en anglais et j'aimerais votre aide afin de savoir s'il est dans un anglais correct ou quelles sont les erreurs que j'ai commises...
Merci beaucoup!!


After ten years of experience in the field of restoration, I have acquired strong skills allow me to provide a quality service by ensuring the welfare and the safety of the passengers of my company. I am responsible, courteous, attentive and smiling. I like the contact with clients and adapt myself easily to a team. Highly motivated, I hope to discover new horizons in aeronautics.

Professional Experiences

 2004/2012: Cabin crew – xxx (Merchant Marine)
Hostess aboard ferries (Boarding passengers, Manager Information at the reception desk of the ship)
Catering staff in the various points of sale of the ship (Pool Bar, Bar Show, Gastronomic Restaurant,
Traditional Restaurant, Self-service, Shop)
Safety role (participation in exercises, Demonstration to passengers during the cruises)

 2004 Hostess - xxx
Welcome, Information to customers and Service for various caterers in xxx.

 2003: Nurse – xxx, England
Care and Teach French to two children during the two months of my summer vacation.

 2003: Waitress - Hotel xxx
Service, Buffet preparation, Room service.

 2002: Cook -Hotel xxx
Realization of menus, Respect of standards about hygiene and safety, Elaboration of recipes.

 2002/2004 : internships Cooking, Service and Hostess
Various internships in all types of restoration (Luxury, Gourmet, Traditional, Community, Oenology).
Learning basic techniques and application of knowledge.


 2013: CFS in progress (Safety Certificate) - xxx.
 2006: Certificate of basic training in safety and first aid - xxx.
 2004: Professional baccalaureate hotel and restaurant - xxx high school in xxx.
 2002: CAP / BEP Hotel and Restaurant (BTEC First Diploma) - xxx high school in xxx.

Additional Information

 Languages: French: Native fluency, English: Fluent (Read, Written, Spoken), working knowledge of Spanish.
 Interests: Golf Academy xxx, Yoga, Fitness, Cook volunteer center associative humanitarian xxx.
 Travels: Gabon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Guadeloupe, Guyana, England, Mexico, Italy, Reunion Island.
 Miscellaneous: Driver's license, medical check up to date, non-smoker.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-03-2013 15:50

Réponse: CV / aide de gerondif, postée le 23-03-2013 à 20:50:42 (S | E)

deux petits détails:

I have acquired strong skills which allow me to provide a quality service

driving licence in English, driving license in American....

Réponse: CV / aide de ahoy, postée le 23-03-2013 à 23:37:15 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup
Rien d'autre?


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