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Description / tableau

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Description / tableau
Message de desdehace posté le 01-04-2013 à 15:20:29 (S | E | F)

voici une petite description du tableau A Bigger Splash de David Hockney.
Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plait, corriger mes erreurs ?
Merci d'avance.

The famous piece of artwork, “A Bigger Splash”, was produced by David Hockney in 1967.David Hockney is an English pop art painter. He lived for many years in Los Angeles. Between 1964 and 1971 he made numerous paintings of swimming pools. The painting depicts a splash in a swimming pool.
The painting looks like a nice, calm, sunny in California. Indeed, the sky is perfectly blue and cloudless. In the background, there is a modern home with flat roof and sliding glass doors surrounded by two palms trees. The atmosphere is peaceful, and the scenery is heavenly.
The colors of the painting are quite uniform. Blue is the main color, and we can notice the water has a darker shade of blue compared to the sky.
The composition is quite calm only made with straight lines, mostly horizontal and vertical lines, with the exception of a diagonal. Indeed, the chair is perfectly aligned with the diving board.
The artist has caught a very precise moment in which someone jumps into the water, forming a great splash that breaks the peaceful atmosphere spread by the scene. The diver is not visible, probably under water.
This painting is quite interesting. Indeed, even if someone has jumped from the diving board, the house is still lifeless to me. Yes, the atmosphere is peaceful but the house remains soulless. The only sign attesting of human life is a chair, an empty chair.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2013 17:38

Réponse: Description / tableau de notrepere, postée le 01-04-2013 à 18:27:59 (S | E)

The painting looks like a nice, calm, sunny [] in California. Indeed, the sky is perfectly blue and cloudless. In the background, there is a modern home with a flat roof and sliding glass doors surrounded by two palms trees. The atmosphere is peaceful, and the scenery is heavenly.
The colors of the painting are quite uniform. Blue is the main color, and we can notice the water has a darker shade of blue compared to the sky.
The composition is quite calm only made with straight lines, mostly horizontal and vertical lines, with the exception of a diagonal. Indeed, the chair is perfectly aligned with the diving board.
The artist has caught a very precise moment of someone jumping into the water, forming a great splash that breaks the peaceful atmosphere spread by the scene. The diver is not visible, probably under water.
This painting is quite interesting. Indeed, even though someone has jumped from the diving board, the house is still lifeless to me. Yes, the atmosphere is peaceful but the house remains soulless. The only sign attesting to human life is a chair, an empty chair.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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