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The missing vowels/35

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The missing vowels/35
Message de marit64 posté le 01-08-2013 à 02:06:01 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 2 out of 10 answers.

1- To make, or become, wide or wider. ..... (dwn)
2- Wise; having or showing good judgement. ..... (nlssb)
3- To put out a fire. ..... (snxhgt) 4
4- A synonym of "gutter". ..... (nrppd)
5- Any of the types of bird which have a pleasant song. ..... (gdsrbn)
6- The quality of being deep. ..... (psdsn)
7- To feel very great sorrow. ..... (kthrnbr) 4
8- A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into. ..... (khhfrdcn)
9- Covered in hair or having a lot of hair. ..... (hyr)
10- A person rather fat, plump. ..... (btyb)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de violet91, postée le 01-08-2013 à 14:27:24 (S | E)
Hello dear marit ,
I hope you are well and enjoying a nice summer .
This game is not especially easy , you know ! ...

I'll suggest :
1 - to widen : too simple ?
2 - sensible : not to confuse with sensitive .
3 - extinguish : great fire and passion .
4 - drainpipe : Well ! Technical terms, marit...
5 - godsrobin, no a songbird : sweet birdie or birdy .
6 - deepness : like Dostoevky's novels and Russian literature .
7 - heartbroken : like in most love songs
8 - handkerchief : ( hard to invent more complicated ! Pupils' nightmare)
9 - hairy : and here comes the tarentula !
10 - tubby : like Babar's family

Take care and have a lovely time !

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de mamou3, postée le 02-08-2013 à 06:43:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody

It was very difficult that time (for me of course)

But perhaps like this :


Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de dolfine56, postée le 02-08-2013 à 09:34:53 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,here we are...

1- To make, or become, wide or wider. ..... (dwn)--widen
2- Wise; having or showing good judgement. ..... (nlssb)--[sensible
3- To put out a fire. ..... (snxhgt) 4--[extinguish
4- A synonym of "gutter". ..... (nrppd)--drainpipe
5- Any of the types of bird which have a pleasant song. ..... songbird
6- The quality of being deep. ..... (psdsn)--deepness
7- To feel very great sorrow. ..... (kthrnbr) 4--heartbroken[
8- A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into. ..... (khhfrdcn)--handkerchief[
9- Covered in hair or having a lot of hair. ..... (hyr)--hairy[
10- A person rather fat, plump. ..tubby

Thanks a lot...have a nice August

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de flowermusic, postée le 02-08-2013 à 09:55:49 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Et salut aux participantes, en particulier à Mamou dont je vois toujours le coucou après coup

1- To make, or become, wide or wider. ..... (dwn) widen
2- Wise; having or showing good judgement. ..... (nlssb) sensible
3- To put out a fire. ..... (snxhgt) 4 extinguish
4- A synonym of "gutter". ..... (nrppd) drainpipe
5- Any of the types of bird which have a pleasant song. ..... (gdsrbn) songbird
6- The quality of being deep. ..... (psdsn) deepness
7- To feel very great sorrow. ..... (kthrnbr) 4 heartbroken
8- A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into. ..... (khhfrdcn) handkerchief
9- Covered in hair or having a lot of hair. ..... (hyr) hairy
10- A person rather fat, plump. ..... (btyb) tubby

Have a nice week, Marit

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de swan85, postée le 02-08-2013 à 13:48:59 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To make, or become, wide or wider. Widen (dwn)
2- Wise; having or showing good judgement. Sensible (nlssb)
3- To put out a fire. Extinguish (snxhgt) 4
4- A synonym of "gutter". Drainpipe (nrppd)
5- Any of the types of bird which have a pleasant song. Songbird
6- The quality of being deep. Deepness (psdsn)
7- To feel very great sorrow. Heartbroken (kthrnbr) 4
8- A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into. Handkerchief (khhfrdcn)
9- Covered in hair or having a lot of hair. Hairy (hyr)
10- A person rather fat, plump. Tubby (btyb)

Thank you very much
Nice weekend to you

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de sanna6, postée le 07-08-2013 à 17:15:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1- To make, or become, wide or wider... widen
2- Wise; having or showing good judgement... sensible
3- To put out a fire... extinguish
4- A synonym of "gutter"...drainpipe
5- Any of the types of bird which have a pleasant song... birdsong....songbird
6- The quality of being deep... deepness
7- To feel very great sorrow...heartbroken ...thank you Marit !
8- A small usually square piece of cloth or paper tissue used for wiping or blowing one's nose into...handkerchief
9- Covered in hair or having a lot of hair...hairy
10- A person rather fat, plump... tubby

I have a missing answer I'll come back if I find it
Thank you very much for your words

Modifié par sanna6 le 08-08-2013 21:23

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de esperanto, postée le 08-08-2013 à 02:47:20 (S | E)
Hello Marit, j'avais oublié de poster mes réponses, je vous les énonce ci-dessous :

1) widen
2) sensible
3) extinguish
4) drainpipe
5) songbird
6) deepness
7) heartbroken

Réponse: The missing vowels/35 de esperanto, postée le 08-08-2013 à 03:04:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

je ne vous envoie pas les réponses de "missing vowels 35" car bien malgré moi, j'ai aperçu les réponses.
Croyez que j'apprécie beaucoup votre travail qui enrichit mon vocabulaire, lequel est encore bien mince.
Je vous promets un travail très personnel pour votre prochain "missing vowels 36" en espérant que mon ordinateur sera en bon état de fonctionnement. Il me donne beaucoup de soucis en ce moment.
Je vous souhaite un très joli mois d'août et vous remercie infiniment de contribuer à mes progrès en anglais.

A très bientôt,


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