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Correction / CV

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Correction / CV
Message de marquet94 posté le 08-09-2013 à 21:30:13 (S | E | F)
Etant nouvellement au chômage et activement en recherche d'un emploi à l'étranger, je souhaite mettre toutes mes chances de mon coté en évitant des fautes dans mon CV.
Je remercie par avance les personnes qui peuvent m'aider.
Bonne fin de weekend!

- Driven, ambitious, and positive, looking to develop my communication and leadership skills in a strategic environment
- Kick-starting my career with the dedicated intention of working in senior management in the future in one of world largest corporations with uncompromising ethics
- Quick learner and multi-tasker with high energy to exceed expectations in fast-paced projects
- Team player with strong communication skills. Intellectually curious with strong analytical skills

-Jan 13- Sept 13 XXX, France (Tempory contract) (9 months)
(Created in XX years, staff of XX employees, consolidated turnover of approximately EUR X million)
Economic and Financial Analyst
Improving social dialogue between the social partners on the arrangement and development of work-related issues,
Within a contractual or legal framework : annual review of accounts and provisional budgets, "early warning" law, redundancy and employment protection plans, pay, employee savings and reward schemes, social protection
Keep up the relation with staff representatives on a file that generate a turnover of XXk€ per year for the accounting office=> Conservation of the file and two new missions (on dividends policy and the subcontract strategy) for an amount of XXk€.
-Dec 11- Dec 12 XXXX, France (Permanent contract)
(12 months) (Accounting firm created in 11 by a former manager of XX and senior associate of XXX. XXX offers services, from total bookkeeping, reporting, tax declarations and payroll management)
Accounting Manager & Official Receiver Collaborator (see below)
Handle the accounting aspect of companies (prepare, analyse and comment the reporting package)
Handle the financial aspect of companies (follow up of weekly financial dashboards, credit control,working capital requirement for exploitation?)
Helping my friend freshly graduated of french certified accounting to develop its client portfolio => creating a website, understand customer base to an increase of XX percent in the volume of clients portfolio in term of turnover.
-Jun 10 -Dec 12 XXX, France (Permanent contract) (30 months)
(Judicial Administrator and Lawyer, Fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy; Member of Working Group V (Insolvency) of the United Nations Commission International Trade Law (CNUDCI); Member of task forces at the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

Gained on-ground experience in corporate strategy, post-merger integration, costs optimization, due diligence
Gained experience in Labor law
Participated in the closing of new deals by reviewing primarily the legal documentation
Participated in the restructuring of transactions and negotiations with Investment Funds
On files of bankruptcy proceedings and out-of-court procedures (hearing in court, relationship with creditors (implementation of protocols), relationship and negotiation with companies? partners, restructuring measures...),
On files of civilian procedures, provisional administration of collective ownerships (management of real estate, securities portfolio, relationship with the notaries and lawyers...),
Jan 10- Jun 10 XX, , France (Permanent contract)
(6 months) Junior Collaborator (Clients: non-profit sector with a specialization in the field of real estate in their broadest sense)
Assist the Auditor Manager (auditing tasks, monitoring financial support)

EDUCATION Aug 12- Now University, France
Ph.D Student in Private Law
2012 Holder of access exam to the French professional training of Judicial Administrator
2009 French Graduate School of Accountancy - , France
Studied Finance, Accounting, Law, Marketing, Corporate Strategy and Information Systems
Master in Business Administration Accounting & Control
2005 French High School , France

Languages French: Native; English: Good skills; Japanese: Beginner (12 months of self-learning, on-going)
Computer skills Excel (Advanced), Word (Advanced), PowerPoint (Advanced), Access.

Community involvment : Two times per month, in association frame, I visit old persons who can no longer out of their house to discuss, watch photos, do a little service (shopping)

Leisure Interests : Travels: Asia, Australia, Europe, UEA, USA

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-09-2013 22:00


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