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The missing vowels /42

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The missing vowels /42
Message de marit64 posté le 18-09-2013 à 23:35:01 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

1- A deep pan usually with a long handle for boiling or stewing food. ..... (psnc) 4
2- Giddy or confused. ..... (zdz) .....
3- A large city, especially the chief city of a country. ..... (prmlts) 4
4- A bag for letters. ..... (bmgl) .....
5- A piece of wood, iron etc used to fasten things together or to strengthen them. ..... (mcpl)
6- The transparent covering of the eyeball. ..... (rcn) 3
7- The long hair on the back of a horse, lion etc. ..... (nm) 2
8- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... (rrcm) 3
9- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... (npt) 1
10- The sound of the regular movement of the heart. ..... (tthbr) 4

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de time5, postée le 19-09-2013 à 06:56:35 (S | E)

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de mamou3, postée le 19-09-2013 à 07:02:41 (S | E)
Hello Marit and the others !

Here is my try :


Thanks a lot Marit !

Good to see you too Flowermusic !

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de flowermusic, postée le 19-09-2013 à 08:20:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

That's my work and I don't forget "the grey ?"
1- A deep pan usually with a long handle for boiling or stewing food. ..... (psnc) 4 saucepan
2- Giddy or confused. ..... (zdz) ..... dizzy
3- A large city, especially the chief city of a country. ..... (prmlts) 4 metropolis
4- A bag for letters. ..... (bmgl) ..... mailbag
5- A piece of wood, iron etc used to fasten things together or to strengthen them. ..... (mcpl) clamp
6- The transparent covering of the eyeball. ..... (rcn) 3 cornea
7- The long hair on the back of a horse, lion etc. ..... (nm) 2 mane
8- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... (rrcm) 3 mercury
9- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... (npt) 1 pant
10- The sound of the regular movement of the heart. ..... (tthbr) 4 heartbeat

Have a nice week

Hello Mamou, nice to meet you here

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de esperanto, postée le 19-09-2013 à 10:07:02 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Votre exercice m'a donné du fil à retordre, voici mes réponses :

1)saucepan 2)dizzy - 3)metropolis - 4)mailbag - 5)clamp - 6)cornea - 7)mane - 8)mercury - 9)pant 10)hearbeat

Si je retenais tous les mots que je découvre chaque jour, ce serait formidable!

Encore mille fois merci pour votre aide. See you soon and have a nice week.

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de esperanto, postée le 19-09-2013 à 10:29:37 (S | E)
Je corrige ma faute de frappe : 10) heartbeat

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de headway, postée le 19-09-2013 à 11:57:31 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A deep pan usually with a long handle for boiling or stewing food. ..... Saucepan.
2- Giddy or confused. ..... Dizzy.
3- A large city, especially the chief city of a country. ..... Metropolis.
4- A bag for letters. ..... Mailbag.
5- A piece of wood, iron etc used to fasten things together or to strengthen them. ..... Clamp.
6- The transparent covering of the eyeball. ..... Cornea.
7- The long hair on the back of a horse, lion etc. ..... Mane.
8- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... Mercury.
9- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... Pant.
10- The sound of the regular movement of the heart. ..... Heartbeat.

Thank you Marit for this one.


Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de dolfine56, postée le 19-09-2013 à 14:21:55 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
Here we are...

1- A deep pan usually with a long handle for boiling or stewing food.-- ..... (psnc) 4--saucepan
2- Giddy or confused. ..... (zdz) .....dizzy
3- A large city, especially the chief city of a country. ..... (prmlts) 4--metropolis
4- A bag for letters. ..... (bmgl) .mailbag....
5- A piece of wood, iron etc used to fasten things together or to strengthen them. ..... (mcpl)--clamp
6- The transparent covering of the eyeball. ..... (rcn) 3--cornea
7- The long hair on the back of a horse, lion etc. ..... (nm) 2--mane
8- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. ..... (rrcm) 3--mercury
9- A synonym of "to gasp". ..... (npt) 1--to pant
10- The sound of the regular movement of the heart. ..... (tthbr) 4--heartbeat.

thanks a lot, dear marit, have a nice week...

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de sanna6, postée le 19-09-2013 à 21:55:50 (S | E)
hello Marit,

1- A deep pan usually with a long handle for boiling or stewing food... saucepan
2- Giddy or confused...dizzy
3- A large city, especially the chief city of a country... metropolis
4- A bag for letters...mailbag
5- A piece of wood, iron etc used to fasten things together or to strengthen them...clamp
6- The transparent covering of the eyeball... cornea
7- The long hair on the back of a horse, lion etc... mane
8- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers... mercury
9- A synonym of "to gasp"... to pant
10- The sound of the regular movement of the heart... heartbeat

Thank you very much!

Modifié par sanna6 le 19-09-2013 21:56

Réponse: The missing vowels /42 de swan85, postée le 21-09-2013 à 13:19:19 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1- A deep pan usually with a long handle for boiling or stewing food. Saucepan (psnc) 4
2- Giddy or confused. Dizzy (zdz)
3- A large city, especially the chief city of a country. Metropolis (prmlts) 4
4- A bag for letters. Mailbag (bmgl)
5- A piece of wood, iron etc used to fasten things together or to strengthen them. Clamp (mcpl)
6- The transparent covering of the eyeball. Cornea (rcn) 3
7- The long hair on the back of a horse, lion etc. Mane (nm) 2
8- The liquid metal used especially in thermometers. Mercury (rrcm) 3
9- A synonym of "to gasp". Pant (npt) 1
10- The sound of the regular movement of the heart. Heartbeat (tthbr) 4

Thank you very much again for this new topic.
Have a nice week
See you soon


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