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Correction EO Space and Exchange

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction EO Space and Exchange
Message de hymzik posté le 23-04-2014 à 11:34:24 (S | E | F)
Salut à tous, comme beaucoup je passe mon oral d'anglais dans un mois, j'ai besoin de vous pour corriger ma préparation sur Espace et échange ! Merci à tous !

This notion deals with the geographical aspect of the various societies, as well as the various values of the diverse peoples. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interaction have shaped our modern-day world.
I am going to speak about the theme of the movements of civilizations with immigrations.
I am then going to wonder which is the advantage of the immigration, then I shall speak problems bound to the immigration.

In a first time, we know that a lot of people wants to live the "American Dream", that's why, we can see more and more students who leave Mexico for study in United State because their future professional can change ! Also, the population in Mexico is poor. This is why many people leave their natal country for a new life, for win more, to live in on better conditions... Everybody want to live their dream, but it's impossible in Mexico, but not in United State !

Today, more than a million Mexicans migrate to the United States, many meet problems.

In the second part, we speak of problem of immigration. The first problem it's the passage of the borders, many Mexicans dies or go out sick because they don't support the conditions of transport, that is many in a small truck without food and water ! How of the cattle ! The second problems of immigration is working conditions for some, that is hard and badly paid labor ! And many immigrants live in one home, without daylight !

To conclude, I think that to immigrate in to United States can be real opportunity because it's a good country for to live on the contrary of Mexico. And, in the world many Hispanic celebrities come in United States for to live the American Dream !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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