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Oral/ Places and forms power

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Oral/ Places and forms power
Message de alice12 posté le 10-05-2014 à 18:54:42 (S | E | F)
Coucou Bonjour tout le monde,
J'ai mes oraux d'anglais bientôt et je suis pas très douée, Quelqu'un aurait-il la gentillesse de corriger mes (atroces)fautes ? Et me donner votre avis ? Merci pour vos réponses !
Mon oral est sur la notion Lieux et formes du pouvoir.

I am going to talk about the notion of Places and forms of power.
First let me give you the definition of power.
Power is the ability to exercise control on somebody or on a group.
It's a force that can be used in many ways, with violence or without, by a person, group or government.
We can raise the following question: Is power may be abuse?
To answer this question, I will speak about the apartheid in a first part then in a second part of the democracy.
In class we studied the apartheid with Mandela.
The apartheid was the legal system for racial separation.
There were two groups of people: the white people and the black people.
Black people had rules to respect like: They were not allowed to go to the same toilets as the whites,
They were forbidden to go to the same beach as the whites or to sit on the same benches.
They had to carry a passport all the time and especially when they left the homelands.
Black people were considered like animals.
This example shows that there may be abuse of power.

The justice is established in order to avoid abuse of power.
Now, lots of countries have adopted a politic system more equal: the democracy.
In democracy, the politic power is sharing between government and the population.
I think that democracy is a good system. Because every person can takes part at the life of his country.

As a conclusion, we can say that there were abuses of power. But it allowed us to learn to respect each other.
Unfortunately there are still countries where the democracy isn’t applied.
However, today the justice is more objective and there is less abuse of power.
I think that the power can be equal only if it is share between government and the population.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2014 19:10


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