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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Places and locations
Message de annnaa posté le 13-01-2015 à 13:57:15 (S | E | F)
Je suis en Terminale scientifique et je commence à préparer mes fiches d'oral pour l'anglais. J'aimerais savoir si selon vous, mon introduction doit être revue et si y a-t-il s'il y a des fautes...?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

I consider that power is the ability, the opportunity to make or do something. It's a form of authority thant can be exercised within a country, family or religion. Nowadays, there are more and more troubles of any kind and it's too hard to resolve this problems. So, I've asked to myself something : which is the most influential power? what are the consequences?

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-01-2015 14:04

Réponse: Oral/Places and locations de yaya18, postée le 13-01-2015 à 15:42:28 (S | E)
Hello annnaa !
I've seen a few mistakes which can be corrected easily :
I consider that power is the ability, the opportunity to make or X do something. It's a form of authority thant (typping error ?) can be exercised within a country, family or religion. Nowadays, there are more and more troubles of any kind and it's too hard to resolve this (There are some problems, so "this" sounds weird) problems. So, I've asked to myself something : which is the most influential power? what are the consequences?

I hope I helped you

Réponse: Oral/Places and locations de sherry48, postée le 13-01-2015 à 16:29:16 (S | E)
In addition, I would take another look at these words...
...troubles of any kind. So, I've asked to myself something : which is the most influential power?
Any is used when there is some doubt, as in a question or negative context. Do you have any money? No, I don't have any.
The implied word after which is 'one,' so it is most appropriate when there is a choice. Which of these three...? Another question word works better here.


Réponse: Oral/Places and locations de annnaa, postée le 16-01-2015 à 22:44:06 (S | E)
Good evening!
First, thank you very much for your help yaya18 and sherry48!
Secondly, yes it was a typping error, and I'm very bad in english spelling...
I still thank you very much!

Réponse: Oral/Places and locations de yaya18, postée le 17-01-2015 à 09:52:34 (S | E)
You're welcome annnaa


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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