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Lettre motivation/correction

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Lettre motivation/correction
Message de micky posté le 06-02-2015 à 00:38:35 (S | E | F)
Actuellement en école de commerce, je dois impérativement réaliser un stage à l'étranger en vue de valider mon diplôme.
J'ai donc réalisé une lettre de motivation.
Pouvez-vous corriger mes erreurs ou tournures de phrases s'il vous plait?
D'autre part je reste ouvert à toute suggestion en vue d'améliorer le rendu final.
Un grand merci d'avance.

Dear Sir / Madam
Currently studying in xxx, i’m looking for a 4 months inthership.
Please find attached my CV and cover letter.
I wish good reception, i am at your disposal to answer any questions and to provide you with any further information you may require.

With warmest greetings, please accept sir / madam, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Cover letter
For the attention of the human ressources manager.

Currently studying in xxx business school Paris in marketing web speciallity i wish to contribute my knowledge and skills to achieve your company’s goal. In this way i’m looking for a 4 month intership.
Fascinated by marketing and digital universe, dynamic and motivated , i developed through my differents interships skills that would be valuable assets to your company
Indeed, my experience in the digital agency xxx enabled me to manage advertising campain as a whole from recommandation and mediaplanning to the performance reporting.
During this experence I worked on LVMH account and especially on their cosmetic brand sephora.
I had managed the christmas brand campain and contribuate on the mobile application launching.
I would also enrich my skills in selling advertising spaces during my intership in the french television channel advertising adgency ( France televisions publicité ) which is in charge of french tv channels…
I was especially on charge of mediaplanning management and brand recommandation
In this way, integrate your company allow me to acquire new skills and will be a real opportunity to build my professionnal project.
Organized and serious i have successfully taken care of a variety of demands and found solutions for each of them.
I am multitaks and have worked in team.
I would be pleased to make myself available for an interview at any time that is convenient to you.
Attached is a copy of my cv. I am able to provide the names of referees who will support my application.

Sincerly ,

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2015 07:39


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