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Lettre motivation/M1 finance

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Lettre motivation/M1 finance
Message de remnic posté le 14-04-2015 à 17:14:46 (S | E | F)
Salut Bonjour à tous,
Je dois, pour mon inscription en M1 Finance faire une lettre de motivation en anglais et c'est pour cette raison que je vous sollicite. J'aimerais que vous me disiez s'il y a des fautes dans ma lettre ci dessous.
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

Madam, Sir

I have the honor to present you my application in the 4th year of university in Finance. The reason which urges me today to present my candidacy is my professional project, indeed i wish to work in the field of the finance.

I had, after has obtained a high school diploma in sciences, a rather atypical route because I made a first a half-year in Physical and Chemestry preparatory course (PCSI). Then I relaunched in a way which corresponded to me much better. I made a two-year technical degree in management of companies and administrations by realizing my first year in intensive training of 15 weeks directly after my half-year in PCSI. I had, during my second year chosen the option finance and accounting which really fascinated me. I prepare at present a 3rd year of university Sciences of Management in the IEMN-IAE of Nantes. My various trainings allowed me to acquire knowledge in numerous domains as the management, the finance, the accounting but also the marketing. Furthermore, I made various internships in the domains of the finance, the accounting and the management control. These really consolidated me in the choice to study in the field of the finance.

It is so naturally that I turn to your formation which will allow me to acquire all the knowledge which i shall need to bring to a successful conclusion my professional project. Furthermore, the big gratitude of your establishment is an essential point for me.
Thank you of the interest which you will carry in my application and looking forward to an answer from you, please accept the expression of my distinguished feelings.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2015 19:29

Réponse: Lettre motivation/M1 finance de lucile83, postée le 19-04-2015 à 18:10:58 (S | E)


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