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Différence/hurt et injured

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Différence/hurt et injured
Message de jealice posté le 17-04-2015 à 09:01:07 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde ,
J' aimerais obtenir votre aide.
Puis-je traduire
1°Je me suis blessé lors d' un match de foot par I got hurt myself during a football-game
2° On m' a blessé lors d' un match de foot par I got injured during a football-game .
Quelle est la différence entre to hurt et to injure ?
Thanks a lot in advance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-04-2015 09:39

Réponse: Différence/hurt et injured de khkounta, postée le 17-04-2015 à 11:28:25 (S | E)

When you’re working out or playing sports there may be times when you are hurt or injured. But what exactly is the difference between being hurt and being injured and how do you know when you should work through the pain or take some time off. This post will discuss the difference between being hurt and being injured and touch on when to rest and when to push through the pain.

“Bring injured” and “being hurt” are quite different from each other.

Being hurt means having the sensation of pain. Being hurt can also mean having a sprain, tear, bruise or laceration. If you are HURT, you can still workout or participate in sports and “play through the pain”.

Being injured is caused by severe pain and trauma where certain forms of treatment are needed for recovering. An injury is usually takes weeks to months for healing. An injury will result in a permanent change to the body – scar tissue will form, a broken bone will heal but you can still see it on an x-ray, etc…

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-04-2015 12:24

Réponse: Différence/hurt et injured de gerondif, postée le 17-04-2015 à 11:49:53 (S | E)
1°Je me suis blessé lors d' un match de foot par I got hurt myself during a football-game
faux, la construction en got ne convient pas:
I hurt myself during a football-game: je me suis fait mal.
I got hurt during a football-game: on m'a fait mal.
2° On m' a blessé lors d' un match de foot: I got injured during a football-game. ok.

hurt peut avoir un sens autre que physique: His unpleasant remarks hurt me deeply.

Réponse: Différence/hurt et injured de jealice, postée le 17-04-2015 à 11:57:32 (S | E)
Merci à vous deux pour les explications
Have a sunny day because Friday on my mind = The Easybeats 1967

Réponse: Différence/hurt et injured de jealice, postée le 17-04-2015 à 13:57:07 (S | E)
juste une dernière question: puis-je dire ou écrire : I injured myself ou I injured ?

Réponse: Différence/hurt et injured de violet91, postée le 17-04-2015 à 15:33:01 (S | E)
Bonjour ,
Et une autre remarque : bien sérier les difficultés : v.actif , transitif : to hurt somebody . / passif to get ( avec une certaine dynamique )or be hurt by .../ verbe réfléchi to hurt oneself , you hurt yourself I explained the other day .
En outre , to hurt and injure peuvent couvrir un sens moral > to upset , vex ...and worse .
Je ne pense pas que vous hésitiez sur la notion de vous blesser vous-même ( physiquement ) et être ( devenir , se trouver ) blessé .
Injured and wounded enclenchent a priori des soins plus importants .
Hope this helps .

Réponse: Différence/hurt et injured de gerondif, postée le 17-04-2015 à 15:53:40 (S | E)
I injured myself.ok
I injured . non
I injured him. ok
I injured my foot. ok.

par contre:
I hurt him: ok
my feet hurt: mes pieds me font mal. ok
Does it hurt? Ca fait mal?
Yes, it hurts.


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