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Oral /Myths and Heroes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /Myths and Heroes
Message de stelly posté le 26-04-2015 à 00:15:03 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterais qu'on corrige ma fiche s'il vous plait car je pense qu'il y a un tas de fautes .
Merci pour vos réponses.

A hero is a person recognizable for their qualities but too thier acts . It is a person of character who uses courage to fight injustice . Since long time , the heroes were considered important and people are besides the myth object . But why are heroes important to our society ? and they always use good ways to fight. To answer these questions first see their influence in society and secondly their means of action .

Tipically, the most popular heroes are the heroes and heroine of history as Gandhi , Martin luther king , Nelson Mandela or Rosa parks especially because they have contributed to the change . Indeed , for examples Gandhi born in 1869 and murdered in 1948 , opposing oppression by mass civil disobedience helped led india to independence . His influence was such that it inspired many people like Nelson Mandela born in 1918 and dead in 2013 who fight againts the political domination of the white minority and racial segregation led by it . Therefore it's heroes while contributing to the change have led and still leads citizens to fight for equality , freedom and justice in society while but using non-violent.
However , all persons recognized as hereos are not all too paxifist. Today , new hereos have emerged , the so referred to as superhero. These are invented and imagined fictional hero of a part that the fight againts evil and use violence to this .For example , the superhero comics ,Batman , Wonder woman or superhero movies like avengers . Anti hero become gradually icons including TV for their temperament as Dexter a serial killer who saves the innocent but kills criminals . Deemed not to be a good character yet he fights for justice in is own way which is why it has been appreciated by viewers .

In conclusion , heroes are important in society because they participate in change , fighting for justice and againts inequality even if their means of action are not always positive .

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2015 08:26


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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