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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de marie1010 posté le 28-04-2015 à 20:16:54 (S | E | F)
je passe dans 1 semaine mes oraux d'anglais, quelqu'un pourrait t-il me les corriger ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Can the progress meet the need of men?
First we see that technological progress can satisfy the need of men and the other progress may soon surpass human intelligence.
In the document " I, Robot" studied in class, made ​​an artificial intelligence robots have developed as they can meet the needs of men and understand what they are told. They can even hold a conversation.
Also robots are useful to the lives of men to do their job to their seats , such as companies use more and more robots . Same for disabled people in the " I Cyborg " people can walk again thanks to progress and thus to artificial limbs.
On the other hand the new technologies will soon surpass humans because in the " Man Versus Machine " machine calculates faster than a person , the artificial intelligence is superior , it is also the case in the video "The intelligence revolution " Or we see that completely changed since the 60s, the price of the machine is cheaper and more efficient. The Doctor Kaku explains that our mastery of inteligent will keep improving in the coming decades and that we'll soon create intelligent machines
Finally , progress satisfies the need of men both in medicines to help with daily tasks but machine intelligence may exceed those of men

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2015 20:56

Réponse: Correction/Progress de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2015 à 00:10:27 (S | E)
Ca me paraît bien court , et puis certaines parties traduites mot-à-mot vont faire exploser de rire ou de colère l'examinateur.
Par exemple, go back to your seat signifie, retourne à ta place, retourne sur ta chaise et donc votre traduction des robots qui font le travail "jusqu'aux chaises des hommes" ne passera pas inaperçu, comme la confusion entre ou et où qui fait que vous mettez or à la place de where (le film où nous voyons....). Un objet est cher ou bon marché, pas son prix. "son prix n'est pas cher" signifierait que l'étiquette sur laquelle le prix est indiqué est bon marché...

erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

Can the progress meet the need of men?
First we see that technological progress can satisfy the need of men and the other (l'autre progrès??)progress may soon surpass human intelligence.
In the document " I, Robot" studied in class, made ​​an artificial intelligence(remplacez par "artificially made intelligent robots") robots have developed as they can meet the needs of men and understand what they are told. They can even hold a conversation.
Also robots are useful to the lives of men to do their job to their seats , such as(sens, tels que?) companies use more and more robots . Same for(même chose pour ? c'est trop cavalier ici) disabled people in the " I Cyborg " people can walk again thanks to progress and thus to artificial limbs.

On the other hand the new technologies will soon surpass humans because in the " Man Versus Machine " machine calculates faster than a person , the artificial intelligence is superior , it is also the case in the video "The intelligence revolution " Or(où!) we see that completely changed since the 60s, the price of the machine is cheaper and more efficient. The Doctor Kaku explains that our mastery of intelligence will keep improving in the coming decades and that we'll soon create intelligent machines
Finally , progress satisfies the need of men both in medicines to help with daily tasks but machine intelligence may exceed those of men's intelligence.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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