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Week and Life/Correction

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Week and Life/Correction
Message de audrey0628 posté le 22-09-2015 à 14:50:12 (S | E | F)
pour mon apprentissage de l'anglais, je m'entraine à créer des textes, et je voudrais savoir si vous pourriez m'indiquer mes fautes et m'aider dans la correction.
Merci à tous

I wake up at 7.00 am (except when my cat wakes me up at 5.00 am because he's always hungry!), I work from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. I go to work by car. I've had my driving licence for 8 years. At 12.30 pm, I have lunch with my coworkers. I have a 1 hour break, then I come back to work. There's a good ambiance at my job.
When I come back home I cook a meal for myself (I usually eat at 7.00 pm), but I'd like to learn culinary specialities because I don't cook very much and then I watch TV. (I rarely watch French movies, but I like «Le Transporteur» (The Transporter)...) I usually go to sleep at 9.30 pm.
My cat always sleeps next to me. My cat's name is MANY. He's a tabby cat.
At weekends I go running, I sometimes go to the gym. I also practise basketball. But I'd like to do yoga to relax and destress.
I like doing exercises and I try to have a healthy life. I stopped smoking a long time ago.
I also go shopping, I like going to the mall. I love buying lots of stuffs. I'm addicted to beauty products!
When I go out at night, I like going to the movies with some friends, eating in a good restaurant (I like trying foreign food : Japanese and Mexican food is quite good), having a drink or I spend some time at my friends' house. We organize dinners and we talk all night.
I don't really like night clubs. I prefer quiet places. But sometimes, I just prefer to hang out with some friends.
On Sundays, I usually stay at home. I have a rest. I do the housework, I play videos games, I spend time on my computer, I sometimes go to see my parents.
Weekends go by too quickly! I hate Monday, when I have to go back to work.
Days are almost always the same. I hate the routine ! But life is life. But I think I need for change.
Or else, I'm planning to get a tattoo.
I have several. They are about life, things that I've been through and things I love.
I have some words like : Hope, Overcome, Patience, Believe.
When I see a pretty design, I get tattooed.
My tattoos are quite smalls, I don't like too big tattoos.
I have tattoos on almost every parts of the body.
I'd like to get a quote or song lyrics on the ribs.
My favorite place to get tattooed is the back. I'd like to get more tattoos on it.
I try to keep myself busy, but I live in a small town and there are not a lot of things to do.
So, I get bored quite easily.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-09-2015 18:57

Réponse: Week and Life/Correction de laure95, postée le 25-09-2015 à 15:16:42 (S | E)
- I go to work by car: I drive to work.
- I have a 1 hour break: choisir entre A et 1.
- ambiance: atmosphere.
- destress.
- Japanese and Mexican is: conjugaison.
- some time: orthographe.
- I sometimes go to see my parents: GO AND SEE.
- I need for change: enlever FOR.
-My tattoos are quite smalls: les adjectifs sont invariables.
- every parts of the body: EVERY + SINGULIER, MY à la place de THE.

Réponse: Week and Life/Correction de audrey0628, postée le 25-09-2015 à 15:21:54 (S | E)
Merci pour ton aide.

Réponse: Week and Life/Correction de audrey0628, postée le 29-09-2015 à 09:32:31 (S | E)
J'avais oublié 2 phrases et je voulais savoir si elles sont correctes :
You seem to be a nice person.
It would be cool to get to know each other.

Réponse: Week and Life/Correction de lucile83, postée le 29-09-2015 à 15:38:45 (S | E)
They are correct, yes.

Réponse: Week and Life/Correction de audrey0628, postée le 29-09-2015 à 15:51:37 (S | E)
Thank you


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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