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Notion/places and forms of power

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Notion/places and forms of power
Message de stella30 posté le 16-04-2016 à 11:21:56 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Je sais, c'est la fin des vacances mais j'aimerai savoir si quelqu'un pouvait jeter un coup d'oeil et me dire ce qui va et ne va pas et m'aider pour la conclusion s'il vous plait.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Fiche places and forms of power
I’d like to talk today about of places and forms of power. So, this notion can be defined as in politics or social science, it is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together, members of a community accept rules and laws. This helps create social cohesion but can lead to tension and conflict. This helps create social cohesion but can lead to tension and conflict. During this year, we studied on documents which correspond to this notion like a belief named Manifest Destiny by O’Sullivan, American progress paint by John Gast, an extract by Andrew Jackson on the trails of tears, photo by Blutgruppe and documentary about booming business. As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to outline what are the different forms of power of the US? That’s how we can see. First, I’d like to show a power of influence of religion, then; I will show the speech power. To conclude this notion I will give my own opinion about it.
We also learned that John O’Sullivan in 1839 dealing with « Manifest Destiny » it is an ideology according to that the American nation had for a divine mission to extend the democratic and the civilization to the west. To better understand, people of American thought they were chosen by God to deliver a message, to implement their institution and show the world they are better than it. So Manifest Destiny is a power of influence of the religion. The power can become dangerous. American progress by John Gast is paint represented perfectly manifest destiny with the cowboys shown as brave and fearless. The focus is on a figure that is flying. She looks like an angel: She looks divine and is wearing a white gown. The female is holding, carrying an electric. It glorifies the conquest of the Wild West, and corresponds to the theory and ideology of «the manifest destiny “god wanted America to bring civilization to the "savages”.
In a second part, we can see people who have as much of power on the society for instance we saw the speech of Kennedy who wanted realize this project, he could convince more the congress and give hope thanks to his words: he said that this project was expensive but thanks to this project himself and the US would become the world leader of the space race! He add he believes they possess all the talents and necessary resources to reach that goal and he is using words echoing Manifest Destiny because America would become the best regarding the space conquest. By the way, Jefferson, third US president, convinced to the congress to assign 2500 dollars for an expedition meant at expanding towards the West. In view of its status he managed to convince to get the amount of money and two explorers went on an adventure for two years. Lewis and Clarck asked for help to the Native Americans who offered them a guide, Sacagewea. She was the daughter of a Native American chief.
To conclude, I think that the power may be beneficial for the progress of the nation thanks different forms of power like the religion or politician.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2016 11:23

Réponse: Notion/places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 18-04-2016 à 19:18:25 (S | E)
-I’d like to talk today about of: pas 2 prépositions à la suite.
- This helps (TO)create social cohesion but can lead to tension (pluriel)and conflict (pluriel).
-During this year, we studied on (enlever ON) documents which correspond to this notion
- American progress paint (participe passé)by John Gast,
- (article) photo by Blutgruppe and (article)documentary about booming business.
- As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to outline what are the different forms of power of the US?: faire une question indirecte.
-That’s how we can see: ?
- We also learned that John O’Sullivan in 1839 dealing with « Manifest Destiny »: mal construit.
- it is an ideology according to that the American nation had for a divine mission to extend the democratic and the civilization to the west: phrase trop longue, mal construite.
-To better understand: ordre des mots.
- people of American: mal dit.
-American progress by John Gast is paint represented perfectly manifest destiny: ?
- The female is holding, carrying an electric: electric what?,

- In a second part, we can see people who have as (enlever AS)much of (enlever OF) power on the society
- the speech of Kennedy who wanted (TO)realize this project,
- thanks to this project himself (pas le bon pronom réfléchi)
- He add (conjugaison) he believes they possess all the talents
- By the way, Jefferson, third US president, convinced to (enlever TO) the congress
- In view of its (pas le bon possessif)status he managed to convince

To conclude, I think that the power may be beneficial for the progress of the nation thanks (TO) different forms of power like the religion or politician.
Dans la conclusion: réponse à la problématique, résumé de ce que tu as dit dans tes 2 parties, ouverture (question ou lien avec une autre notion)


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