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Feedback/argumentative essay

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Feedback/argumentative essay
Message de seathas posté le 20-04-2016 à 05:57:14 (S | E | F)
Hello, everyone.
please, I would like some suggestions, advice, correctn and feedback on my argumentative paper.
I hope you will enjoy reading it and thank you in advance.

Technology has changed the shopping experience forever
“Online shopping is bad. It is more expensive, and the products’ quality is awful”. That is what we often hear about online shopping. In reality, 201.7 million U.S. citizens were online shoppers in 2015, where global e-commerce sales reached 1700 billion dollars. Global online sales have increased nearly 400% since 2000 (statista). This is a sign of customer satisfaction and a healthy market. The online business industry has absolutely exploded. Online shopping is more advantageous as long as sufficient effort is put into researching the product. If done properly, it is cheaper, more convenient, and offers unlimited choices.
It is sometimes perceived that online shopping is disadvantageous in terms of price, quality, and convenience. Customers may pay more when shopping online because of hidden fees. For instance, a website may advertise a low price to attract customers; however, shipping costs might be increased to make up for the price difference. Another point made by opponents is that customers often do not know what to expect when buying online in terms of quality, especially when the product quality cannot be verified prior to purchase. Returns may be difficult or not allowed and customers may get stuck with products they do not wish to keep.
However, the prices are lower for online shopping because, contrary to physical stores, online business is a free market. Competition drives prices. While it is not possible to inspect every physical store in person to see which one offers the cheaper product, there are applications that compare prices for customers. Prices are also lower because e-commerce requires very little investment and has no overhead costs. Another factor that makes products cheaper online is the direct relationships between e-commerce merchants and distributors. However, the most significant element is the fact that there is no tax when buying online.

Convenience is another advantage of online shopping. There is no need for customers to drive all the way to the store, waste gas, get stuck in traffic, or worry about parking, only to find themselves in a big store where they may have no idea where to start. In this world of technology, customers can do all of that with a couple of keystrokes and then receive the products at their doorsteps. They can try and send them back free of charge if they decide not to keep them. If there is any issue with a product, they can take it to social media to criticize brands that fail.

Even if customers are not able to inspect the quality of goods on their own, they still can read online reviews. In 2014, a Deloitte study found that 81 percent of people read reviews and check ratings before making a purchase (Perkins, Ben, and Celine Fenech). Some websites offer interactive videos, 360-degree views, and gestural control to give shoppers a better sense of what an item really looks like. Each digital advancement opens new opportunities to close the gap between an on-screen image and that experience of holding a product in a store. Today, there are even virtual fitting rooms. With the help of cameras, shoppers can easily try on clothes virtually, visualizing what they would look like without having to waste time standing in line, getting undressed, trying on the clothes, and getting dressed again. Mobile payments like Google Wallet or Apple Pay have replaced the wallet. Users input their payment credentials into the app and simply use their fingerprints to pay for goods. Katawetawaraks, Chayapa, and Cheng Lu Wang confirm that “Online shopping has been shown to provide more satisfaction to modern consumers seeking convenience and speed” (Katawetawaraks, Chayapa, and Cheng Lu Wang, qtd. in Yu, T. and Wu, G, 2007).

Online shopping is an addition to the world of consumer culture, and although there may be some negatives to it, the pros outweigh the cons. Shoppers now have a wide range of online tools available to them to compare prices, find alternative goods, locate coupons, and receive push notifications directly from retailers. With all that said, it is indispensable for customers to be tech-savvy to get the best deal out of the internet rather than being the best deal themselves for some unscrupulous sellers.

Work Cited
-Katawetawaraks, Chayapa, and Cheng Lu Wang. "Online Shopper Behavior: Influences of Online Shopping Decision." Asian Journal of Business Research, 2011. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
-Perkins, Ben, and Celine Fenech. "The Growing Power of Consumers."Deloitte Review July 2014:n. pag. Deloitte. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.
-Statista. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2016 08:13


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