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Mrs Henderson/ presents

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Mrs Henderson/ presents
Message de lulu2602 posté le 10-05-2016 à 18:01:51 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous corriger mes fautes, s'il vous plait, j'aimerai progresser en anglais!

Mrs Henderson presents is a movie, made by Stephen Frears in 2005 /
First let's talk about the historical context of the film. The story takes place during the Second World War, 1939-1945 opposing the French helped by the British and others countries and the Germans. We are going to be interest in people’s daily life specifically during the war which was very hard. First of all, the cities, the monuments, the houses, the inhabitants were bombed by German’s planes which caused fear. For example, they used zeppelins to drop bombs over British cities. Besides, as the men were on the front, the women had to take all responsibilities: the children (Sometimes, women become pregnant by the soldiers and had to take on their child by themselves), the house, they had to work in the fields with the children and in the factories: they replace the men. Moreover, civilians had to eat less and save food to respect rationing orders because the priority was to feed the soldiers. In addition, civilians did not have freedom of expression; they were victim of censorship and propaganda. People’s daily life was also marked by the resistance, some people don't accept to leave under the German’s influence.
Then, let's talk about the story of the movie especially which is based on real events of the windmill theatre. In 1937, Mrs Laura Henderson, who is 69 years old, becomes a rich British widow and she was afraid to get bored. So she decided to buy a theatre in Soho district in London, the Windmill theatre in reference to the Moulin rouge in Paris. It will become a cabaret theatre very trendy in New York and Paris, which will be quickly a London institution; it continues to play for young soldiers, even under the German’s bombardment. Laura Henderson, who is the main character, knows what she wants and she is not ready to remain passive. To help her to manage her theatre she engages Vivian Van Damm, a talented theatre manager. He knows what to do for the theatre and has a strong personality. By the way, the relation between these main characters is particular. Indeed, sometimes they don't agree like when they have to choose the review's name or the dancer's name. But in reality they get on with and they worry about each other.
Even if in the theatre everything is going well, outside, the war is on the increase. In fact, we can find several references in order not to forget the historical context of the film. We see bombardments and Hitler taking control of France. British people are very affected by this event, and the theatre brings his support singing the Marseillaise. The deportation of the Jews, organized by the Nazi, is also introduced. In fact, Van Damm is informed of his family's roundup by the newspaper. Then, Maurine, a member of the company shows us another aspect of people’s daily life. Indeed, she represents the women who get pregnant by soldiers, and who never see them anymore. The theatre suffers from the war too: at one point, the British authorities decide to close it, because too many soldiers and civilians come to see the review, the theatre has became a bombardment’s target. People were not in security.

By the way, Mrs Henderson leaves her theatre to Mr Van Damm before her death.
To conclude, Mrs Henderson presents is a movie which shows us how the daily life of civilians was during the Second World War and the importance of theatres, and culture in general.

Merci d'avance,

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2016 22:11


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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