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Architecture/ invention

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Architecture/ invention
Message de bishem91 posté le 18-05-2016 à 21:07:19 (S | E | F)
Could you correct my homework please? I have to present an invention and I say I am Le Corbusier and I have created La cité Radieuse. Thank you for your help.

Dear Sir,
I would be delighted to present you my new project, in response to your request. I have a big experience in the world of architecture. I have responded to requests from around the world, as the villa Shodhan India in Ahmadabad or the Villa Savoye in France too. Several ministers, celebrity, heads of state appealed to me for creating something new, which could shelter as many people as possible. And today, I have inaugurated the first “Unité d’habitation” in Marseille, situated in a large park (28 boulevard Michelet), its main ele¬vations facing East and West. The North elevation is completely closed due to the cold winds from that side. The building is 165 m long, 24 m deep and 56 m high. It contains 337 apartments on 18 floors of 23 different kinds and separated by "streets" inside.
Due to the costs of steel production in the actual post-war economy, the Unité d’habitation was constructed of exposed concrete. It is rectangular and based on the 5 pillars of modern architecture namely the stilts, the free plan, free facade, the long windows and roof terraces. The stilts maintained the buildings, the free plan allows to no bearing walls so more luminosity. The free façade, since there are no bearing walls, is light walls and it takes the shape we want. The long windows are like bay windows so there is a panoramic view. And last but not least the roof terraces can be able to give a nature version to the building. There is swimming pool, paddling, trail to run or walk, square with benches for sunbathing to stay in touch with the light, the sun and the air so give to the inhabitants lots of relaxation.
I create this radius city on a new measure unit : the modulor. It based on the proportions of the human body. This dimensions could deciding all the area intended to the human. (pictures on annex)
This new invention is like a city into a building. I added to this apartments, school, shops, restaurants, tourist shops, company, office, hall performances, cinema, gym and others. You must know that this invention is a pride for me. I think this typology will answer to the current Post-War housing shortage and I hope it will answer the demand of many people and will be comfortable for them.
I am aware that it could be said that when we go to shopping we don’t see the sun in the “streets” of the buildings and we are locked into this building. I want to say to them that it can be easily to go out and do a little jogging the morning and with the 5 pillars the “streets” are a minimum lighted.
I enclose to this letter many pictures of many views of this new building.
Yours faithfully
Le Corbusier, Architect

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2016 22:21


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