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Correction/Lettre motivation

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Correction/Lettre motivation
Message de eos21 posté le 15-07-2016 à 14:33:14 (S | E | F)
serait-il possible de corriger ma lettre de motivation en anglais pour un master 2 d'ici ce soir ? (date limite aujourd'hui)Je sais que ça fait très court pour corriger mais j'avoue avoir beaucoup plus de temps que prévu pour le faire
Merci beaucoup d'avance !!!

Object : Application for the 2nd year of the Master's course BCTG (Tissue, Cell and Gene
Biotherapies) – Professionnal purpose

For the attention of the person in charge of the master.
Dear Sir,
Currently a first-year student in Master's Biology-Health Physiology and Physiopathology in
Université Paris-Sud, I am taking the opportunity to contact you to apply for the master that the Université Paris-Saclay offers under your responsibility.

During my university studies, I had the opportunity to benefit from a curriculum based firstly on human biology such as genetic or immunology, secondly on the technical with the cellular studies tools or the image processing, and thirdly on economy (general, business and marketing).
I also obtained a strong background in scientific methodology such as writing science or statistics that I could implement in the two research and one quality control internships.

Perform this Master 2 would be an essential complement to my knowledge gained and lessons
taught would fit perfectly into the logic of my project professional. Indeed, I want to acquire dual competence after a professionnal master to maximise my possibility of vocational integration.
To this end, the teachings that you offer seem particularly suited because they are offered in english and include a specific program for entrepreneurship. This training is a pioneer in his field, selective and international, and it's approved by Medicen Paris Region ; it's also situated in a leading biocluster and in a rich scientific network with 3 campus partners and hospitals.

I would like to work in biotherapeutics as it is a sector in full expansion now through biological drugs that take precedence over chemical drugs. Their potential remains huge,they can permit to treat or limit new diseases and only a limited number are currently available on the market.
My goal would be to work in several sectors, particularly in startup by reason of my sensitivity to their ecosystem due to my participation in Viva Technology, in conferences on their specificities, in entrepreneurs exhibition and in University entrepreneurship days.

Serious, methodical and curious, I am aware of the commitment that requires training and I am
determined to fully invest myself, and I am at your disposal for an interview that you consider helpful for consideration of my admission file.

Thank you for considering this application, I hope that this request will receive a favourable response. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should require further information.


Modifié par lucile83 le 15-07-2016 16:19


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