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Relecture/ texte Rome

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Relecture/ texte Rome
Message de mel12 posté le 05-09-2016 à 20:33:58 (S | E | F)
J'ai un petit exercice à faire en anglais. Je dois résumer l'histoire de la fondation de Rome (le mythe). J'ai déjà rédigé le texte en entier mais j'aimerais que quelqu'un le relise car je ne suis pas sûre de moi niveau conjugaison/vocabulaire. Pouvez-vous m'indiquer mes fautes s'il vous plait?
Merci pour votre aide.

"Rome wasn't built in a day". Yet, according to the myth, this famous proverb seems almost true.
The founding myth :
It is in 753 BC. that the tradition places the birth of Rome. To the origins, a Trojan hero named Aeneas left the city besieged by the Greeks to establish a colony in the Latium (Albe) which was managed by his son, Ascanio. Generations later was born the vestal Rhea Silvia. She was supposedly pregnant of the god Mars and gave birth to twins, Romulus and Remus, who were abandoned on the Tiber.
Indeed, the king Amulius had usurped his brother's throne and so he feared the claiming of the heirs. But he would not kill them beacause this option would have displeased the god. The solution : they were abandoned in the waters of the Tiber, and later, they are collected by the female wolf.
The brothers avenged their fate and that of their mother, who was put to death by killing Amulius and restoring their grandfather Numitor, then they founded Rome. Each observed the birds, like a sign, to know who would be the king of the city. Remus, the first one, observed six vultures and then Romulus watched twelve but much later.
After that, there was a conflict between the twins and their respective partisans, some favoring the temporal aspect of omens and others numeral aspect.

During this confrontation, Romulus bounded a circle which marks the future walls of Rome. At this stage, two versions are opposed by Tive Live and Ovide. Remus would have succumbed in the fraticidal battles but the second version says that he it would have crossed the marks, by bravery and Romulus killed him instantly. Therefore Romulus became the first king of Rome.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-09-2016 21:14


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