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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Besoin/ correction
Message de marine11 posté le 26-12-2016 à 13:58:02 (S | E | F)
Bonjour a tous,
je dois envoyer un mail dans l'après midi pour postuler pour du woofing mais mon anglais reste moyen; j'espère que quelqu'un pourra me répondre rapidement.
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

I'm Marine, I live in France.
I'm very interested to do woofing since a moment.
I was in Ireland during 5 months this summer, for work in a B&B to learn english (I improved my english but it's not perfect...) when I saw your community, and I will be really happy to discovered your island and project.
I live in the south of France, in a area where there is a farm with animals, and I'm staying in a cabin where I can to watch birds and others animals, I love the nature I'm studying the botany, alternative medecine and more things. And I'm trying to learn to play djembe.
I hope my english isn't to bad.
So I would know if it's possible to come in January to discovered your world?

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-12-2016 15:36

Réponse : Besoin/ correction de audrey0628, postée le 26-12-2016 à 19:17:20 (S | E)
Je vais tenter une correction, mais mes réponses sont à confirmer

I'm Marine, I live in France.
I'm very interested to do woofing since a moment. (I'm very interested in woofing for quite some time.)
I was in Ireland during (Avec les mois on met FOR) 5 months this summer, for work in a B&B to learn english (I improved my english but it's not perfect...) when I saw your community, and I will be really happy to discovered (mettre à l'infinitif) your island and project.
I live in the south of France, in a area where there is a farm with animals, and I'm staying in a cabin where I can to (X) watch birds and others animals, I love the (enlever THE) nature I'm studying the (enlever THE) botany, alternative medecine (medicine) and more things. And I'm trying to learn to play djembe.
I hope my english isn't to (too) bad.
So I would X (like to) know if it's possible to come in January to discovered (infinitif) your world?

when I saw your community, and I will be really happy (Ici, je crois que les deux phrases ne sont pas bien faites).

Voilà, j'éspère que d'autres personnes vont confirmer tout ça.
Bonne soirée.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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