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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Dialogue/ avocat-client
Message de annemarine posté le 13-02-2017 à 23:30:30 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je dois rédiger un dialogue entre un avocat et son client. N'ayant pas un grand niveau d'anglais, je viens vous demander votre aide.
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'apporter son aide ce serait top
D'avance merci à tous.

A: Good morning Mrs London.
Please come in.

E: Good morning, Ms Grant.

A: Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? coffee, water, anything else?

E: Yes, with pleasure! Drink water please.

A: Perfect.
Well, on the phone, you told me that you had a problem about theft at your company.
Could you tell me more about this case please?

E: Of course!
My company sells equipment computer at several European company. And the last week, 3 employees stole several hardware. I want to know if I can lay them off and how?
So, I’m here to ask for your advice.

A: Ok. If I could summarise what you’ve been telling me. You have 3 employees who have been stolen computers in your depot. And you want to fire them. Is that correct?

E: Yes, it’s perfect. I have nothing to add.

A: So, you’d like me to inform you about the procedure to be followed.

E: Yes, because I don’t know the law, and I don’t want to have any problem.

A: So, I need more information about this case.
Have you an evidence of this theft?

E: Yes, I think.
I have several witnesses. In fact, several employees saw them take computers. And I caught them red-handed last week.
Is it enough to fire them?

A: Yes. With all that, you can start a disciplinary procedure against your employees. They can be dismiss for gross misconduct.

E: What should I do?

A: It’s simple.
Firstly, you need to write and send a letter of notification at the employees with the reason of the interview (for a dismissal). You need to indicate the date, the place and the hour.
Secondly, 5 days after the reception of the letter by the salary, you can realize the dismissal interview.
E: During this interview, what can I do?

A: You explain that you saw him steal computers. After that, he needs to defend itself so you hand over to him.

E: Ok. That is all?

A: Yes. In fact, when the explication is over, you put an end to interview. You have to think about dismissal and after that, you send him the redundancy notice.

E: I understand the procedure. But, if they contest their dismissal, what’s happening?

A: No panic! We are not still there. In this case, we take to court. If we arrive at this stage, we will see you again. Don’t worry, with this differents elements, you will win the trial.

E: Thank you for your help. I will begin the procedure like you said.

A: Ok. If you need help, you will be able to call me.

E: Thank you. Bye.

A: Bye.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2017 07:43

Réponse : Dialogue/ avocat-client de gerondif, postée le 14-02-2017 à 00:13:26 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

A: Good morning Mrs London. Please come in.

E: Good morning, Ms Grant.

A: Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? coffee, water, anything (else)?

E: Yes, with pleasure! (Quand on accepte une offre, on dit Yes, please. with pleasure convient plus quand on accepte une requête comme Could you give ma a glass of water?) Drink Some water please.

A: Perfect.(un peu exagéré. all right suffirait)
Well, on the phone, you told me that you had a problem about theft(trop théorique comme mot. a robbery?) at your company.
Could (Can you irait bien aussi. On n'est pas dans une demande polie de service, l'enquêteur a commencé son travail) you tell me more about this case please?

E: Of course!
My company sells equipment computer(à inverser) at(vendre, donner, envoyer, impliquent un mouvement, un déplacement de l'objet. at ne va pas) several European company(s'il y en a plusieurs, alors autant mettre le mot au pluriel). And the last week, 3 employees stole several(hardware est non comptable, several ne va pas) hardware. I want to know if I can lay them off and how? So, I’m here to ask for your advice.

A: Ok. If I could (conditionnel inutile.L'enquêteur fait son boulot, l'indicatif ira très bien. "Laissez moi résumer" serait une autre solution) summarise what you’ve been telling me. You have 3 employees who have been stolen (erreur de participe) computers in your depot. And you want to fire them. Is that correct?

E: Yes, it’s perfect( ne veut pas dire grand-chose. hat's right, that's correct, sont les phrases classiques). I have nothing to add.

A: So, you’d like me to inform you about the procedure to be followed.

E: Yes, because I don’t know the law, and I don’t want to have any problem.

A: So(plutôt alors que donc), I need more information about this case.
Have you an(Conjuguez correctement le verbe avoir ou le verbe get. evidence est non comptable, an ne va pas) evidence of this theft?

E: Yes, I think so.
I have several witnesses. In fact, several employees saw them take( ok s'ils ont vu toute l'action. S'ils les ont vu en train de les prendre mais n'étaient pas là au début du vol, les auraient juste surpris, alors on dira saw them taking) computers. And I caught them red-handed last week.
Is it enough to fire them?

A: Yes. With all that, you can start a disciplinary procedure against your employees. They can be dismiss(voix passive, donc participe passé) for gross misconduct.

E: What should I do?

A: It’s simple.
Firstly, you need to write and send a letter of notification at the employees with the reason of the interview (for a dismissal). You need to indicate the date, the place and the hour.
Secondly, 5 days after the reception of the letter by the salary(vous confondez salaire et salarié), you can realize (signifie se rendre compte en anglais et non pas réaliser au sens de créer)the dismissal interview.
E: During this interview, what can I do?
-------(à partir de là, votre anglais se dégrade un peu)
A: You explain that you saw him(ah, il n'y en a plus qu'un ?) steal computers. After that, he needs to defend itself so you hand over to him (sens??).

E: Ok. That is all?

A: Yes. In fact, when the explication(mot français) is over, you put an end to the interview. You have to think about dismissal and after that, you send him the redundancy notice.

E: I understand the procedure. But, if they contest their dismissal, what’s happening?

A: No panic! We are not still(mauvais choix de "encore") there. In this case, we take to court. If we arrive at this stage, we will see you(nous vous reverrons ? Nous nous reverrons?) again. Don’t worry, with this differents(pluriel de this + adjectif invariable) elements, you will win the trial.

E: Thank you for your help. I will begin the procedure like you said.(courant mais incorrect)

A: Ok. If you need help, you will be able to( ne va pas, on sait bien qu'elle a deux mains et un téléphone, ce n'est pas une question d'être capable de, laissez can au présent) call me.

E: Thank you. Bye.

A: Bye.

Réponse : Dialogue/ avocat-client de annemarine, postée le 26-02-2017 à 11:54:00 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour cette réponse et les explications.


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