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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de drysky posté le 19-03-2017 à 23:04:41 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en Terminale et dans le but de faire une licence spéciale en anglais j'ai dû écrire une lettre de motivation. J'ai passé du temps à corriger mes fautes cependant je ne suis pas bilingue ( pas encore tout du moins ) et j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un aurait l'amabilité de lire mon texte et de corriger si besoin ? Je parle de l'orthographe, des conjugaisons ainsi que des tournures de phrases (pas du texte en lui même si possible)
De plus je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps pour envoyer cette lettre ( moins d'une semaine) ainsi, sans vouloir vous embêter, si cela pouvait être fait dans les jours suivants ce serait parfait.
Merci d'avance

Dear Sir or Madam,
I currently am in Scientific Terminal and I write this letter in the purpose of joining the International path in the 1st year of the Physical-Math-Mecanic License in -----------. I am highly interested because I plan to become researcher in Theorical Physic and I really think that English is a major component of this future work : It is the unique international language of science.

I do realize that the first year in high school is, basically, hard ( only 45% of students passed their 1st year ) and even harder if I am taken in this International path. However, I really like a lot Theoretical Physic in consequence I believe I can make this 1st year : I'm not afraid of spending a big amount of time working my studies.

To be honest I practically understand everything in English, I'm still learning but I have spent a lot of time listening english people talk for some years now. I realized that when I was 13years old, I did a school trip and I realized that I could speak with people through English : It was a real turning point in my life. And so today I am pretty confident in my understanding of English. On the other side, I would rank myself in the average in Expression. However, I learn quickly and I really don't think English will be an issue in my understanding of these studies.

After this year I will be able to do Physic, Math and Science in general in English and that is what motivates me the most : this baggage of technical English I will have and the possibility that it will offer to me

This path is indeed a perfect chance for me, first to update my English in the purpose of a school year abroad ; and secondly to give me opportunities to do the Science I like anywhere with anywho in a lot of different country and that's my main goal.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-03-2017 06:07


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